Class spt.applets.StdApplet
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Class spt.applets.StdApplet


public class StdApplet
extends Applet
Some useful applet-related behavior not provided by the Applet class. This class should be subclassed instead of Applet.


BGColor		Color	Background color (optional)
FGColor		Color	Foreground color (optional)
HelpText	String	A status message to display when the mouse is over the applet (optional)
See Also:

Variable Index

 o fDebug
 o helpText
 o paramParser

Constructor Index

 o StdApplet()

Method Index

 o getApplet(String)
Gets an applet by name.
 o getAppletInfo()
Returns a default authorship string.
 o getHelpText()
 o getParameterInfo()
 o init()
General initialization.
 o mergeParameters(String[][], String[][])
Combine two lists of parameters.
 o mouseEnter(Event, int, int)
 o mouseExit(Event, int, int)
 o setHelpText(String)
Sets the help message.
 o stdAppletInit()
General initialization.


 o fDebug
  protected boolean fDebug
 o helpText
  protected String helpText
 o paramParser
  public AppletParamParser paramParser


 o StdApplet
  public StdApplet()


 o init
  public void init()
General initialization. Most applets will override this method so they should be sure to call super.init() as the first action in their own init().
init in class Applet
 o stdAppletInit
  public void stdAppletInit()
General initialization. This exists mainly for classes that for whatever reason can't call super.init().
 o getApplet
  public Applet getApplet(String s)
Gets an applet by name. Same as AppletContext.getApplet() but works better under Netscape.
See Also:
 o setHelpText
  public void setHelpText(String t)
Sets the help message. Help messages are displayed when the mouse is moved over an applet.
 o getHelpText
  public String getHelpText()
 o mouseEnter
  public boolean mouseEnter(Event e,
                            int x,
                            int y)
mouseEnter in class Component
 o mouseExit
  public boolean mouseExit(Event e,
                           int x,
                           int y)
mouseExit in class Component
 o getAppletInfo
  public String getAppletInfo()
Returns a default authorship string. Applets can override this to get special messages.
getAppletInfo in class Applet
 o getParameterInfo
  public String[][] getParameterInfo()
getParameterInfo in class Applet
 o mergeParameters
  public static String[][] mergeParameters(String s1[][],
                                           String s2[][])
Combine two lists of parameters. Subclasses can use this method to combine their parameters with those of their parent.

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