Class como.irc.ComObjIRC
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Class como.irc.ComObjIRC


public class ComObjIRC
extends Object
implements ComObj

Variable Index

 o do_not_get_any_more_messages

Method Index

 o addMe(User)
Add myself to this Commlet.
 o addUser(int)
Adds a user who has already logged in.
 o ask(Msg)
ask msg.
 o destroy()
Destroy everything in here.
 o getCommlet()
return the Commlet
 o getMasterID()
returns the master ID.
 o getMyID()
returns my ID.
 o getUser(int)
return the User-information of the user with id.
 o getUserName(int)
return the Username of the user with id.
 o getUsers()
return a Vector of all involved Users
 o iAmMaster()
return true if i am the master
 o kickUser(int, String)
kickUser kicks a User out of this channel! It send him a KICK_USER message!
 o loadAudioClip(String)
Load an audioclip with the specified filename!
 o loadImage(String)
Load a picture with the specified filename! It will be loaded from the BaseDocument's http-server.
 o loginUser(User)
Asks commlet if the User is admitted to enter.
 o logout()
This is called in order to quit the ComObj.
 o openInputStream(String)
Open an input-stream to the specified file!
 o preHandleMsg(Msg)
Here we can handle msg for the ComObj (or messages important for the ComObj)
 o removeOldCachedMsg()
Search the cache if I have messages older than 60 seconds; if true delete them.
 o sendTo(Msg)
Send Msg to
 o sendToAll(Msg)
Send Msg to all users of this session including myself.
 o sendToGroup(int[], Msg)
Send Msg to group of users of this session.
 o sendToOthers(Msg)
Send Msg to all users of this session except myself.
 o setCommlet(Commlet)
Tell the ComObj about his commlet.
 o setCommletName(String)
set the Name of the commlet
 o setLocalUser(User)
Change some attributes of the local user.
 o setNewTopic(String)
set a new topic (in the irc-channel) and tell others about it.
 o toString()


 o do_not_get_any_more_messages
  protected boolean do_not_get_any_more_messages


 o setCommletName
  public synchronized void setCommletName(String name)
set the Name of the commlet
 o setCommlet
  public synchronized void setCommlet(Commlet c)
Tell the ComObj about his commlet. This is necessary this way because the ComObj is instantiated before the commlet
 o getCommlet
  public Commlet getCommlet()
return the Commlet
 o getMasterID
  public synchronized int getMasterID()
returns the master ID. -1 means it is still unknown.
 o getMyID
  public int getMyID()
returns my ID. -1 means it is still unknown (I didn't login myself to this commlet/comobj).
 o iAmMaster
  public synchronized boolean iAmMaster()
return true if i am the master
 o setNewTopic
  public synchronized void setNewTopic(String topic)
set a new topic (in the irc-channel) and tell others about it.
 o setLocalUser
  public synchronized void setLocalUser(User user)
Change some attributes of the local user. Some can't be changed (NICK, SOCKET, ID,...).
 o getUser
  public synchronized User getUser(int id)
return the User-information of the user with id.
 o getUserName
  public synchronized String getUserName(int id)
return the Username of the user with id.
 o getUsers
  public synchronized Vector getUsers()
return a Vector of all involved Users
 o sendTo
  public synchronized void sendTo(Msg msg)
Send Msg to
 o sendToOthers
  public synchronized void sendToOthers(Msg msg)
Send Msg to all users of this session except myself.
 o sendToAll
  public synchronized void sendToAll(Msg msg)
Send Msg to all users of this session including myself.
 o sendToGroup
  public synchronized void sendToGroup(int to[],
                                       Msg msg)
Send Msg to group of users of this session.
 o ask
  public synchronized Msg ask(Msg msg)
ask msg. Then wait for a return-msg. The type of the return msg must be -msg.type of the question!!
 o kickUser
  public synchronized void kickUser(int id,
                                    String reason)
kickUser kicks a User out of this channel! It send him a KICK_USER message!
 o preHandleMsg
  public synchronized Msg preHandleMsg(Msg msg)
Here we can handle msg for the ComObj (or messages important for the ComObj)
 o removeOldCachedMsg
  protected synchronized void removeOldCachedMsg()
Search the cache if I have messages older than 60 seconds; if true delete them.
 o loginUser
  public synchronized int loginUser(User user)
Asks commlet if the User is admitted to enter.
 o addUser
  public synchronized void addUser(int userid)
Adds a user who has already logged in. It tells this user, who i am and if i am the master
 o addMe
  public synchronized void addMe(User ego)
Add myself to this Commlet. If i am master then set the topic
 o logout
  public synchronized void logout()
This is called in order to quit the ComObj. It also tells the server, that i quitted.
 o destroy
  public void destroy()
Destroy everything in here. I.e. also quit the commlet. It will also call logout().
 o loadImage
  public Image loadImage(String filename)
Load a picture with the specified filename! It will be loaded from the BaseDocument's http-server.
 o loadAudioClip
  public AudioClip loadAudioClip(String filename)
Load an audioclip with the specified filename!
 o openInputStream
  public InputStream openInputStream(String filename)
Open an input-stream to the specified file!
 o toString
  public String toString()
toString in class Object

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