PDC Presentations: Internet Client Technology
Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
San Francisco, CA (March 12-14, 1996)
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You'll find the slides, papers, and samples on Internet client technology presented at the PDC in the zipped files below. (Presentations are in Microsoft® PowerPoint® format.
If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.)
Now that you've heard all about the ActiveX™ Internet Client Architecture, let's get specific. When should you use hyperlinks and URL monikers in your application? Should you use a document object, an OLE Control, or both? Victor Stone conducts a guided tour through the Windows shell, indicating how it uses each of the client components to enable applications, and components to integrate with the shell.
OLE Document objects (DocObjects for short) enable users to use a single application (an Internet browser, for example) to browse and view all documents, regardless of their file format. By adding DocObject server support to your application, you enable Web publishers to publish Active Documents on the Web in your file format, and enable users to view and navigate through those Active Documents. During this session, we will explain the DocObject architecture, and use sample code and demonstrations to examine the interfaces that a DocObject server implements and uses.
OLE Document objects (DocObjects for short) enable users to use a single application (an Internet browser, for example) to browse and view all documents, regardless of their file format. By adding DocObject container support to your application, you enable users to browse and navigate through all types of documents. During this session, we explain the DocObject architecture, and use sample code and demonstrations to examine the interfaces that a DocObject container implements and uses.
Together with OLE Document objects, OLE hyperlinks enable users to navigate through all types of applications and documents, including browsers and Web pages, using the familiar point-and-click, history, and favorites lists that
browsers use today.
URL monikers encapsulate protocols. Instead of using a protocol-specific API to access information, a developer simply binds to a URL moniker to perform data uploading and loading, or to access an ActiveX™ Control.
This session covers both hyperlinking and URL monikers. Hadi Partovi describes how to use hyperlinking and URL monikers to activate your Internet application.
This session introduces the new interfaces that ActiveX Controls can take advantage of to perform well on Web pages and in Internet applications. During this talk, we use sample code to walk through the construction of an ActiveX Control for the Internet, and explore the new ActiveX Control interfaces that enable a control to download large data progressively.
This session builds on the topics covered in "Writing OLE Controls for the Internet" and covers advanced topics associated with Internet access. You'll learn how to optimize the speed and size of your MFC-based control, as well as how to use the base control to write even faster and smaller controls.
VBScript is a scripting engine that supports OLE scripting. It is a subset of Microsoft® Visual Basic®, and will ship as part of the ActiveX SDK. This session will provide an introduction and overview of the VBScript language, similarities and differences between VBScript and Microsoft Visual Basic, and will describe how you can use VBScript to add Active Scripting capabilities to your application.
OLE scripting provides an interface for an application to interact with a scripting engine. By adding OLE scripting support to your application, your users will be able to use their favorite scripting engine to script your applications. This session covers the OLE scripting architecture, and the interfaces that applications use and implement.
WinInet is an extension of the Win32 API that provides Win32 applications with easy access to common Internet protocols, including Gopher, FTP, and HTTP. By providing task-focused interfaces for Internet access, WinInet simplifies Internet access for Win32 developers. This session explains how to use the WinInet functions to add Internet access to your Win32 application.
Microsoft Internet Explorer exposes an OLE Automation interface that allows other applications to drive or customize the Internet Explorer, and allows ActiveX Controls to interact with the Internet Explorer. This session describes the Internet Explorer's OLE Automation interface, and uses several examples to demonstrate its use.
Find out how to use the Web Post programming interface to publish Web pages seamlessly from your Internet-enabled software. This session also gives an overview of the architecture and the functionality of the Microsoft Personal Web Server for Windows 95.
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