Didn't make the PDC? We've collected the final slides, transcripts, samples, and papers from the conference for your review. You'll find the transcripts of the General Sessions in HTML files. From each HTML file, you can also download a Word (.DOC) format of the presentation, as well as the Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides from the presentation. For all other sessions you'll find the presentations, along with any white papers and samples, in zipped files.
Note: Presentations are in Microsoft PowerPoint format. If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.
Developer Network News coverage of the PDC
Pre-Conference Tracks
General Sessions
Breakout Sessions:
Internet Client TechnologyTradeshow and Exhibits © 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Internet Server Technology
Security on the Internet
Multimedia Technology
Communications Technology
BackOffice and Internet Solutions
Internet Applications
MFC and Application Development
HTML Authoring