PDC Presentations: Internet Applications
Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
San Francisco, CA (March 12-14, 1996)
Didn't make the PDC?
You'll find the slides, papers, and samples on Internet applications presented at the PDC in the zipped files below. (Presentations are in Microsoft® PowerPoint® format.
If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.)
This session provides an overview of Distributed COM, including OLE's remoting/marshaling architecture, how security integrates with OLE, the extensible naming model, and product plans for Distributed COM. It also describes how Distributed COM integrates with and leverages the ActiveX™ programming model on the client. Sample code for a simple Distributed COM client and server is reviewed, and there are demos of more sophisticated Internet uses based on existing tools such as Visual Basic® version 4.0 and Visual C++®.
This talk discusses more details of using Distributed COM, taking a step-by-step approach with source code. The talk covers the proper use of free-threading for faster, more scalable servers, integration of OLE servers with the Win32® service architecture, and the details of how to take advantage of automatic security features offered by Distributed COM. Advanced topics such as fine-grained control over security will also be discussed. The talk includes specific code examples from several distributed applications covering these and other issues.
This talk investigates some of the issues surrounding active distributed applications and focuses on how to design an application to be distributed. Issues covered include how to divide the functionality of your application between client and server, how to determine which operations should be performed only locally, and how to deal with multiple clients talking cooperatively to the same server. The talk includes specific code examples from a multi-user distributed application.
Now that your app is up and running on the Internet, what other issues need to be addressed? This talk covers advanced issues such as: What if one client is on a slow net; what if one client drops out; what if the server drops out; what do you do about replication, locking, client caching, and so forth. The talk includes specific code examples from a multi-user distributed application.
The Web phenomenon has introduced many new user interface paradigms--this section discusses our plans to integrate Web browsing with Windows® 95-style shell browsing and clarify how this affects your applications. You'll learn about where we will be taking the Windows user interface, new shell extensibility mechanisms, and opportunities for your applications to participate in this user-model evolution.
This session describes the basic features that Windows offers to create a world-ready application. Topics include system-provided data (the NLSAPI), multilingual UI options, and creating a single Unicode-based binary application for Windows NT™ and Windows 95.
This session discusses design issues in handling multilingual content on the Web, including detecting character sets, Unicode vs. UTF, font issues, mixed language environments, and proposed standards for identifying context language.
Network OLE and other key pieces of OLE technology will soon be available on UNIX, VMS, and MVS through the efforts of Digital Equipment Corporation and Software AG. Moreover, the entire Win32 API as well as OLE is available on UNIX and VMS platforms from Microsoft's partners in the WISE (Windows Interface Source Environment) initiative. This talk covers the status of all this work and provides a roadmap for multi-platform OLE and Win32 in the coming year.
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