PDC Presentations: Communications Technology

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
San Francisco, CA (March 12-14, 1996)

Didn't make the PDC? You'll find the slides, papers, and samples on communications technology presented at the PDC in the zipped files below. (Presentations are in Microsoft® PowerPoint® format. If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.)

* Communications Architecture
Curtis Smith, Microsoft
(March 12, 1996, 4 P.M.)
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Overview of communications architecture, beyond Windows® 95: As we go into the future, Windows is designed to be a premier communications platform for end users, and a fully featured and robust development platform for communications applications developers. See how the Windows architecture integrates support for TAPI, Conferencing, Speech, and other communications technologies. Drilling down, this session introduces the Windows Telephony API and the communications functions of the Win32® API as implemented in Microsoft® Windows 95, including discussion of using these APIs in data communications applications programs. Includes initializing and shutting down TAPI, identifying modems, preparing line for use, dialing, answering, disconnecting, setting call parameters, phone number translation, and many additional details. Assumes familiarity with modems and data communication topics and a basic understanding of Windows programming. Learn how to leverage the Windows 95 Universal Modem Driver (Unimodem) and share ports with other data applications.

* Conferencing API
Steve Liffick, Microsoft
(March 12, 1996, 5:30 P.M.)
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This presentation focuses on Microsoft's ActiveX conferencing platform and its commitment to standards-based multimedia communication over the Internet. Topics covered include:

* Speech API (1)
Michael Rozak, Microsoft
(March 13, 1996, 12:45 P.M.)
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The high-level Microsoft Speech API is an OLE Component Object Model (COM) application programming interface (API) that allows applications to quickly and easily incorporate speech recognition and text-to-speech into their applications. This talk covers the overall architecture of the Microsoft Speech API, some examples of where you might want to use speech, and a walk-through of a sample application using the high-level speech API.

* Speech API (2)
Michael Rozak, Microsoft
(March 13, 1996, 2:15 P.M.)
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The low-level Microsoft Speech API is an OLE COM API that gives an application full control of speech recognition and text-to-speech. We cover reasons for using the low-level speech API, an overview of the API, and some sample code using it.

* Introduction to Windows Sockets 2.0
David Anderson, Microsoft
(March 13, 1996, 5:30 P.M.)
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This talk discusses what Windows Sockets are, the details in using them, how you can use them, and how they affect your Internet application. Specifically, it covers how to write a simple Windows Sockets application, and gives pointers to more information about Windows Sockets and their use. This talk includes highlights on Windows Sockets 2.0 new features.

* OLE Accessibility
Charles Oppermann, Microsoft
(March 12, 1996, 4 P.M.)
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It's not just a good idea, it's the law...OLE Accessibility allows developers to expose the inner workings of their applications. In addition to making your product friendlier to people with disabilities, OLE Accessibility facilitates better testing tools and new classes of utilities. This session gives step-by-step instructions on and hard-core code examples of how to implement this emerging technology. In addition, we'll give an overview of how to avoid losing sales to the government and other large accounts because of inaccessible software, and how Microsoft is implementing this technology in Windows and Office.

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