PDC Presentations: Internet Server Technology
Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
San Francisco, CA (March 12-14, 1996)
Didn't make the PDC?
You'll find the slides, papers, and samples on Internet server technology presented at the PDC in the zipped files below. (Presentations are in Microsoft® PowerPoint® format.
If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.)
This session introduces the Internet Information Server (IIS) services included in Windows NT™ Server. We explore configuration and security issues encountered in setting up an IIS Internet Server Site, and also cover Server Administration and ongoing management such as logging and auditing, and performance monitoring. Provides an overview of the Internet Server API (ISAPI) for adding Internet HTTP applications. General familiarity with Windows NT Server is assumed.
Developers of Web-based Internet applications require a high-performance and high-function standard programming interface between their application and the Internet Server on which they are running. Active Servers created with the Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extensions can be complete in-process applications themselves, or can "connect" to other services. This presentation describes the ISAPI and the advantages it offers to your application. ISAPI HTTP filters are also discussed. Programming examples are shown.
This session presents more details on the Win32 Internet Server API (ISAPI) including security and multithread safety in your ISAPI applications and filters, and techniques to attain high performance and multiprocessor scalable services.
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