PDC Presentations: General Sessions

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
San Francisco, CA (March 12-14, 1996)

Didn't make the PDC? You'll find the major presentations from the General Sessions in the HTML files listed below. From each HTML file, you can also download a Word (.DOC) format of the presentation, as well as the PowerPoint® slides from the presentation.

Note: Presentations are in Microsoft® PowerPoint format. If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.

* Microsoft's Internet Strategy
Paul Maritz, Microsoft (March 12, 1996, 8 A.M.)
This session focuses on Microsoft's Internet strategy. Paul Maritz (Executive Vice President, Platforms, at Microsoft Corporation) discusses the integration of the PC with the Internet and how Win32® and OLE developers can leverage their investments in this area.

*  Microsoft Windows--The Years Ahead
Steve Madigan, Microsoft (March 12, 1996, 9 A.M.)
Download the PowerPoint presentation
This session covers the new technologies coming to the Microsoft Windows® platform in the next year. Provides information on the new user interface featuring "Sweeper," communications technologies such as TAPI, speech, data conferencing, and Windows Sockets, the high-performance Windows NT™ 4.0 architecture, and much more...

* Internet Client Architecture
Chris Jones, Microsoft (March 12, 1996, 11:15 A.M.)
This session covers details of Microsoft's ActiveX™ Internet Client Architecture code-named "Sweeper." Find out how the ActiveX client architecture allows you to create object-based distributed applications. Leverage your existing investment as well as create new active applications and content to make the Internet rich, exciting, and accessible.

* Internet Platform
John Ludwig, Microsoft (March 12, 1996, 10:30 A.M.)
This session details Microsoft's ActiveX™ Platform. Learn what gets shipped when, and how and when it will be made cross-platform.

* Internet Information Server Architecture
J Allard, Microsoft (March 12, 1996, 1:30 P.M.)
The Internet Information Server is hot! J Allard dives into the core features, functionality, and future of Microsoft's Internet Information Server. He provides detailed information on how you can use the Information Server application programming interface (ISAPI) to extend your Web site.

* BackOffice and the Internet
Todd Warren, Microsoft (March 13, 1996, 10:30 A.M.)
Learn how--today--you can use BackOffice as a fundamental piece of your Internet solution. See examples of existing, shipping third-party applications that use Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Exchange Server to provide database and messaging technology to the back end of a Web solution.

* Internet Development Environment
Tod Nielsen and Denis Gilbert, Microsoft (March 12, 1996, 2:30 P.M.)
Discusses Microsoft's development tools with Internet features, the visual languages business unit, and "Tod's Top Ten Cheesy Sites on the Internet." Provides technical information on how you can use these tools to create great content and applications for the Internet.

* Bill Gates Keynote
Bill Gates, Microsoft (March 13, 1996, 8 A.M.)
Bill Gates, Chairman and CEO of Microsoft Corporation, presents his vision for the future of the Internet and the computer industry.

* Internet Applications
Cameron Ferroni, Microsoft (March 13, 1996, 9 A.M.)
This session looks at the evolution of Internet applications from TELNET to the Web and beyond. It provides a roadmap for Win32 and OLE developers. See how to take your existing applications and enable them for the Web, extend them beyond the Web, and create new applications to take advantage of the Internet.

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