PDC Presentations: Pre-Conference Tracks

Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
San Francisco, CA (March 12-14, 1996)

Didn't make the PDC? You'll find the slides and samples from the pre-conference tracks presented at the PDC in the zipped files below. (Presentations are in Microsoft® PowerPoint® format. If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your machine, you can view the presentations by downloading the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer from the Microsoft Office Web site.)

*  Introduction to COM, OLE and OLE Controls
(March 11, 1996, 8 A.M.)
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This workshop introduces you to the basic concepts of OLE and provides you with the information you need to start building OLE and COM applications today. We start by introducing the Component Object Model, OLE's fundamental underlying object model, and explain how it provides key services. We then discuss how OLE's other technologies, including structured storage, uniform data transfer, and OLE Documents, build on top of this foundation. Finally, we discuss the OLE Controls architecture, and how to build OLE Controls today.

*  Writing a Great NT Service
Stan Murawski, Jeff Richter, Mark Lucovsky,
John Vert, Richard B. Ward,
and Mario Goertzel, Microsoft
(March 11, 1996, 8 A.M.)
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Download sample files (zipped, 2.82K):
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This workshop covers the details of how to make your Windows NT™ service faster and more robust, and better able to scale with both client load and adding processors. We cover the basics of what it means to be a "service" on the Windows NT operating system, and we touch on each of the BackOffice logo requirements for servers in detail. This workshop assumes that the attendee has spent some time programming to the Win32® API and has a basic understanding of advanced operating systems.

* MFC Overview Intro
Richard Hale Shaw, Microsoft
(March 11, 1996, 6:15 P.M.)
The Microsoft® Foundation Class (MFC) Library offers more than 150 reusable C++ classes, and will be a key component in developing applications for Windows® technologies. Several of the technical breakout sessions at this conference will assume you have a basic knowledge of MFC, so this tutorial uses detailed examples to discuss the architecture of the current MFC library to get the non-MFC programmer up to speed.

* Developing with Windows Sockets
Derek Brown and Martin Hall, Stardust
(March 11, 1996, 6:15 P.M.)
This seminar teaches the basics of how to use Windows Sockets 2.0 efficiently. We cover the APIs for Windows Sockets, the parameters for these APIs, and, in as much detail as time allows, cover advanced programming topics around Windows Sockets such as use of threads, multiple protocols, efficient handling of high-speed data transfer, and other topics of interest to the audience.

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