In this redesign of the Site Builder Workshop, we worked hard to develop an intuitive navigation scheme, and we hope that you'll spend some time just clicking around to see how we've used some of the latest features available to Web teams. Poke the buttons. Click the graphics. See what happens. If you'd like some help, or you'd like to see a detailed explanation of the site's layout and navigation tools, please read on. Further, if you really like to live life on the edge and are viewing this site with Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta or Netscape Navigator's 3.0 Beta 4 we've documented a few issues you may run into below.
The Site Builder Workshop site makes use of frames, pop-up menus, and a navigation tool. Here are brief usage notes on each:
The frame-based layout of the Site Builder Workshop separates the browser window into
rectangular panes that identify your current location in the site and help you navigate to other areas.
The left-hand frame always indicates the area you're in (home page, Authoring/Editing, Programming, and so on), and the top frame provides easy access to navigational aids such as pop-up menus and the site navigation tool.
Links to the main contents page, index page, what's new page, and similar infrastructure pages appear on the left.
(These are available from the top pane when you're in a sub-area of the site.)
If you jump to an article within a section, you'll also see an additional pane on the left that provides an abbreviated table of contents so you can easily jump to other articles in that section.
To see the full table of contents, click the pane above the abbreviated table of contents.
You can always get back to the home page by clicking the group of spheres on your screen.
Also, remember that you can click the right mouse button within a frame to view the source HMTL document, refresh the frame, and see other options for that frame.
If you'd like to find out more about the frame-based layout on this site, read our
designer's notes.
Pop-up menus
To quickly locate information on Internet products or technologies, to jump to one of the main sections of the Site Builder Workshop, or to search the site, click the appropriate label--Products, Technologies, Tasks, or Search--located at the top of the screen, then choose from the pop-up menu displayed.
(The Tasks pop-up is available only from the sub-areas of the site, giving you access to other sub-areas.)
Netscape Navigator users will see the menu contents listed in the text window instead.
If you'd like to find out more about how we designed and implemented the pop-up menus, see our
implementation notes.
Navigation tool
We've also included a site navigation tool that lets you jump to other sites in
the For Developers Only area with a single click of the mouse.
This navigation tool floats on your screen and stays on top of other windows, so it's
available to you without taking up screen estate in your browser window.
You can open it, move it, resize it, and close it as you please.
To install, simply click the button labeled "Download our site navigation tool" in the top pane, and follow the instructions.
If you're curious about how we designed and implemented this navigation tool,
read the programmer's notes.
Note about Internet Explorer 3.0 6/25/96
We've designed this site for an early beta version of the Internet Explorer version 3.0.
If you are using a beta version of Internet Explorer 3.0, you may notice some inconsistencies in the browser's behavior as you navigate; as of 6/25 we noticed the following issues:
Note about Netscape Navigator 3.0 Beta 6/25/96
If you are using the Beta 4 version of Netscape Navigator 3.0, you may run into "Invalid Page Fault" errors. We're working with Netscape to address this issue and hopefully will have it resolved soon.
Thanks for your patience!