Detective Conan : PuzzleTry to arrange the puzzle into the right arrangment. |
This puzzle, again, is using Java Script. So you must use Netscape / Internet Explorer 4.0 or later to run this puzzle correctly. The button and radio button below on the puzzle is a "non Click" button, that's mean you don't have to click if you ant to select it, you just have to point the mouse pointer above it. You may see a blocked white area in the table or behind a button or image, that is normal, according to the source of the script. The scoring is : 1. If you place a piece correctly in first try, you'll get 1000 points. 2. If you place a piece correctly in the second, try, you'll get 750 points. 3. If you place a piece correctly in the thirth, try, you'll get 500 points. 4. If you place a piece correctly in the fourth, try, you'll get 250 points. 5. If you can't place a piece correctly in four times try, you'll also get 250 points (^_^). After you finished arranging the puzzle, you'll redirected into a new page. A script error will appear, just ignore it by pressing "OK" or "Yes" button. |