
Contains all features of Version V1 classic + editing assistance like e.g. radial requester for shadows and perspective
SSA/SSAd animation export for combination with Adorage effects or Anim 5/8 animations via clariSSA
Hollow letters, transparent and semi-transparent titles
Attributes shadow/perspective/outline now for graphics, too print of features for tape boxes (video box inlet)
Alpha channel processing for
glitter spots, stars, fog, spotlights, spots and other light effects
oriented anti-aliasing for text, graphics or other graphic objects
semi-transparency, hollow letters, etc.
Colour palettes created by the program for
single letter, single lines
whole text blocks and graphic objects

Output, Quality and Flexibility

24-Bit output to support all common graphic cards and to create HAM and HAM8 as well as DCTV titles
24Bit creation of titles for reproduction via graphic card-video (PAL) enhancer
24Bit export for combination with real 24Bit titles in non-linear editing systems
24Bit export via freely determined graphic viewers (like Viewtek, etc.)
24-Bit preview of a title in incredible speed via possibly connected graphic card
Maximum quality of graphic output thanks to alpha channel processing
Improved font transparency and anti-aliasing, even for graphic objects
Considerable advantages in speed with use of 24 + 8 export
Output in 24Bit-RGB + 8Bit-Alpha or even AMIGA-mode (IFF) INCL. ALPHA CHANNEL
Internal 24-BIT processing
better use of palette
SGA = Special Genlock Anti-aliasing
improved linking between different objects (e.g. transparency, anti-aliasing between a graphic and text)
Timeline for editing the time settings (effects, duration, pause, etc.)
WYSIWYG-interface What you see is what you get. DTP- or word processing-like editing with parallel result preview
Endless scroll or crawl - horizontal or vertical endless scrolling of over-dimensional pages for trailers
Different animation possibilities
1:1 preview in grey levels (layout preview)
preview animation (play preview)
fastest processing of SSA animation in highest quality in color distribution and anim sequence
Freely scaleable fonts + anti-aliasing
Text attributes like italics, frame, shadow or semi-transparency to video, bold, outline, kerning, etc., etc.,... paragraph-, line-, word- or even letter-oriented application
Surface allocation like marble, gold or gradients. Allocation possible on text front, font depth or shadow (also single and/or different surface)
Graphic import with maximum color palette and format adaptation. New processing method leads to colour fastness of implemented graphics.
Export IFF-function, i.e. compatibility to Adorage, Deluxe Paint, MM-software etc.
Various possibilities of text justification such as centered, two columns, left justified, right justified
Package contains as well: various CG-fonts and materials
Genlock control possible (Neptun + Sirius II by Electronic-Design)
Full multi-tasking ability, no additional hardware necessary