On TV you have certainly seen titles, you have always wanted to create on your own video. This is now no longer a problem. Out of different, individually developed applications for various professional studios, an added-feature solution has been created, which we now make accessible for you. In detail this means that from now on, the creation of titles with special features such as glitter effects, flashlight, color palettes, 3-D perspective, etc. can easily be made by you in maximum quality - with possibilities so far only available in professional studios.
The internal proceedings have been brought to perfection reducing even the hardware requirements to a minimum and last but not least building a user interface with amazing comfort.
Forget everything you have ever seen about titling. Start working with the new standard developed and tested in professional studios - work with Monument Designer, too!
One should always follow the course of time - simply compare the performance of other software on the market to what Monument Designer offers you!
With the new release of Monument Titler, version V2 Designer, we present you a completely new form of titling. Further to the previous titling features of version 1, it now offers widest possibilities of graphic design and even picture composition! In contrast to bitmap painting programs, graphic elements can now be treated as free, single objects, so that the use of graphic formats, anti-aliasing or manipulation are no longer a problem. With the use of 24Bit + 8Bit Alpha channel - now even highly intereS(SA)ting for users without graphic boards - possibilities arise by far exceeding all other titling features. Spotlights, light sources or other can be set, graphics and titles can be faded super smoothly and even the quality of anti-aliasing, transparency etc. is perfect. Further features such as text rotation oriented to the title vector, or the gradients created by the software - which can also be semi-transparent for video - justified to a sign, a whole text block or even to g raphics. Different export possibilities like SSA-animation (SSA + SSAd) to combine e.g. scrolling tiles with Adorage-3D-effects or the 24+8Bit export to combine titles with non-linear editing systems or the export via a possibly connected graphic card are at hand in several variations. The creation of jitter free endless scrolling titles are of course also part of this package. Further details such as Alpha channel-IFF export to create HAM or HAM8 titles, anti-aliasing further brought to perfection or even the possibility of printing the title on the box of the video tape, guarantee excellent quality and flexibility on the video monitor as well as on paper and all this with a minimum input of work.
Expansion of the possibilities of V1 plus the integration of professional requirements plus optimisation - this was our motto when developing this program. You as the user are the one to profit finally from these new achievements! Versatility, creativity and flexibility for titling and more top-professional quality! Titling and creation - up to object-oriented design! And not only for owners of a graphic card. Everyone profits from the internal 24-Bit handling - in quality as well as in flexibility!
For more detailed list of features follow this link.