Shade Icons is a collection of Icons (Incredible ?!? :-) that I have made for everyone to enjoy it. This is the fourth release of the Shade Collection. See history for further information. This set is no longer compatible with my olders sets, because of palette and color scheme improving. This set inclued Icons, Patterns, and Fonts.
The first 8 colors are those of MagicWB 2.0 (a bit modified, really a bit...), so no trouble if you are using MagicWB. On the other hand they also use more colors (a fourty), so you need at least a 64 colors Workbench.
So, why another set of icons ? Simply because I was not really happy with the existant ones.
First I have try MagicWB for a long time, I had a simple 1200, and big resolutions were too slow. Then I upgrade it
and I was able to use Hires (A 64 colors screen). Then I try NewIcons, because I was fed up with the poor and greyish
colors of MagicWB.
NewIcons were colorfull, but I dislike their style, they were too small, and I miss the gradient background of
MagicWB. Then I try AmyIcons converted to NewIcons, so nice, really good looking, but NewIcons remaping was very slow, really too slow...
One day I was trying effects with PPaint (I looove it) and I found 'oblique grey gradient', huum nice, I try it in a box, really nice effect.
My Icons have changed since the first try, they are bigger, colors are nicelly improved, And they have a really nice background. I love them. I hope you will enjoy them also.