
Events & Shows US
Here is a list of all current Amiga events and shows. There is also a list of the past ones.

Strategic PartnersUS
As we want to bundle forces, we hare working with some of the Amiga market leaders, user groups and individuals.

Amiga OEMsUS
These are the companies that are producing Amiga based computers.

There are more and more organisations arising that provide the Amiga community with news, information, support ect.

Amiga HistoryUS


The Company
Here you will find a lot of information about us.

Orders / Cataloge / Prices USD
Here you can find the complete catalogue with prices in DM and US$ of all products we are distributing.


Our DealersUS
There are dealers that provide our products in nearly every country by now. Some dealers are exclusive in their countries. When you do not find a suitable dealer you can also order directly at us.

Press Releases

08-97: ArtEffect 2.0, PowerUP-Effects
05-97: Merapi (Java for Amgia)
04-97: New Web Site
01-97:StormC 2.0, ArtEffect 1.5
10-96: Looking for Amiga Books


We are offering a wide range of online support e.g. Updates, Patches, FAQ, mailing lists and direct e-mail. You will find the support areas under the topic of the product.

Information ServiceUS

History of NewsUSD

© 1997 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com