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The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet. If you know of any
other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just
fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or
e-mail your submissions to cucug@cucug.org
and we'll check them
- a|news - Safe Harbor's Amiga news site includes press releases, news items and other Amiga-oriented items.
- A\Box vs. Pentium MMX - A comparison of hardware boxes by Morgan W.
- AK's Home Page - Varied bunch of Amiga links from Roy James Milican.
- Alien Breed 3-D 2, The Killing Grounds Support Page - Info and support for this popular game. Includes level maps, weapons, sound fx, aliens, submitions and breed talk. By artist Andy Powell.
- The Unofficial Alien Breed 3-D 2, The Killing Grounds Site - Another support page for the popular game. Here you'll find news, features, the story, files (including custom levels), screenshots, hints and more. By Henric Andersson.
- Alien Breed/Killing Grounds - Obi-Wan's Breeding Grounds - Another in the growing number of sites supporting this very popular first-person, 3D perspective game for the Amiga. By Jason "Obi-Wan" Davies.
- TKG - Support page - A support page for AB3D - TKG. The Killing Grounds. By Adam Waldenberg.
- Amazing Web Links - Links to various information and educational pages concerning Amiga and DraCo Vision (DraCo Motion) related issues.
- Ami Cheats Page - Hundreds of cheats, hints, and level codes for games on the Amiga.
- The Fishwrap - Up-to-date information on the Amiga, software and hardware, links and just about everything an Amiga owner should know, in a concise format. By Colin Thompson.
- The Amiga Assembler Page - Almost everything you need to start with Amiga assembler, including assemblers, docs/guides/refs, sources and help, too.
- Amiga + CD-ROM Home Page - Support for CD-ROMs. Includes a huge database with info about over 240 CD-ROMs that work with the Amiga.
- Amiga CD Zone - New CD releases, software reviews and hardware tips.
- Amiga Central - Amiga news page, Amiga Monitor, AmigaUpdate, various news/rumors. By Paul Morabito.
- Amiga Channel - The first WWW page about Amiga in Spain.
- Amiga Classificados Brasileiros - Amiga products in Brazil. Buy, sell, trade hardware or software. Page in Portuguese. By Daniel Mealha Cabrita.
- Amiga Community Wish List - This page allows users to post ideas for software they'd like to see created. Developers then can use this as a resource to see what the Amiga community wants to see produced. By Matt Sottile.
- The AMIGA Computer - A well-done introduction to the Amiga and a recent historical time-line of events.
- Amiga Decade - Here's a fun little stop on the Information Superhighway. Mathew Ignash features the latest news, gossip and Amiga hot products...ten years ago! See what was exciting about the Amiga exactly one decade previous.
- Amiga Development Fund - This group will accept donations and use those donations to fund projects for the Amiga.
- Amiga DownUnder - The Amiga in Australia. Includes the free Amiga Help Desk feature to which you may address your technical Amiga questions.
- Amiga East - Visit the Amiga in Japan. This is a very different view of our favorite computer that Americans and Europeans have not yet seen. By Jerry Smith.
- Amiga Emulators Central - This site keeps up with the latest console emulators available on the Amiga computer. New GameBoy and Master System emulators plus links to game sites. Also includes a news and rumour section. By Emanuel Schleussinger.
- Amiga Formula One Grand Prix Page - Support site for Geoff Crammond's and MicroProse's Formula One Grand Prix simulator (aka World Circuit). All F1GP patches and enhancer programs are available here along with a lot of extra information and activities regarding F1GP.
- Amiga Flame (UK) - Gaming news and rumors, past and future Amiga game releases and general gaming info. By Philip Cosby. Also note their USA mirror site.
- Amiga Forever - General Amiga home page includes WB screenshots, FAQs and other info.
- Amiga Games - Amiga game news, cheats, great downloads, online games. By Eddie Ivanov.
- Amiga Home Page - Info and links.
- Amiga Hot Spot - Lightwave/Toaster hints and tips, Amiga news and user groups.
- Amiga IRC Channel Home Pages
- #Amiga EFnet - About the #Amiga EFnet IRC channel.
- #Amiga WarpedNet - Information/rules/users of WarpedNet #Amiga by Dan Fraser.
- #Amiga Undernet - About the #Amiga Undernet IRC channel.
- #Amiga (oz.org) - Home page to IRC oz.org (Undernet) Channel Amiga.
- #Amiga InnerNet Home Page - About the #Amiga InnerNet IRC channel.
- #AmigaCafe - Another #AmigaCafe home page. Page has been updated, looks fantastic and includes a parody of Lava from Carl S.
- #AmigaDK - Home for users of the Danish Amiga channel #AmigaDK. By Kasper Hartwich.
- #AmigaGER - About the German Amiga IRC channel.
- #AmigaSWE - About the Swedish Amiga IRC channel.
- #Amigaworld - Homepage for the Dalnet IRC Channel #Amigaworld.
- #AmigaZone - From the ashes of #amiga on oz.org, comes a new exciting channel with no channel politics (well as little as we can manage!), run by absolute Amiga fanatics and our main aim is fun! So come along and check out our web page!
- #AmIRC - A home page for the Undernet IRC Channel #AmIRC. By Russell Trafford-Jones.
- #Modulez Home Page - The undernet computer music channel #Modulez, featuring info about the regulars and links to members' music files to download. Participants cover all formats of digital music but most are Amiga composers.
- #real3d - IRC channel supporting the popular rendering application. By Eric Giroux.
- The Amiga in Belgium - A home page especially to support Belgian amiga users. Includes listings of shops, users, home pages, clubs, BBS's, etc. By Chistophe Fauconnier.
- Amiga Malaysia - A support site promoting the use of Amiga in a community where Amiga has practically no support, Malaysia.
- Amiga Mall - Service dedicated to assisting Amiga developers advertise, market, and support their products over the Internet.
- Amiga Music Massive Homepage - Amiga music reviews, software, tech info and just about anything else related to making music on the Amiga computer. Site still in "pre-launch" state, but quite usable.
- AmigaNet - Free database of Amiga users on the Internet sponsored by Softwood. Add your own listing!
- AmigaNET-BR - AmigaNET-BR is a echonet (Fido-like) for Amiga users from Brazil. Page in Portuguese. By Daniel Mealha Cabrita.
- Amiga Net Search - Various Amiga services and references.
- AmigaPhil's HomePage - Amiga support site in Belgium. Lots of links and hints/tips for getting on the Internet with your Amiga.
- The AmigaOS 4 Graphic - Unofficial suggestion of what the new Amiga Workbench should look like. Kewl!
- Amiga Power User - Amiga site with news, links, pics and our favorite: the original A1000 boot-up sound! Maintained by David Ferguson.
- Amiga Radiologist - Devoted to radiology education using the Amiga. Cool site!
- Amiga Resistance - Links to Amiga resources and information of the ChequeMarcs project. By Michael A. Piva.
- Amiga Resource Page - A homepage sponsored by Internet Direct.
- Amiga in Russia - About the Amiga in the former Soviet Union, user info, programming, ideas, etc. By Obrezan Artem.
- Amiga SA - News, rumours, new games, hardware and software developments in South Africa. By Cade Hannan.
- Amiga Star Wars Page - Star Wars for Amiga uers: shareware, ray tracing, music, gallery, informations, contacts, links. By Patrick Henz.
- Amiga UK - Home page for the Fidonet echo "Amiga_UK" and the Aukfolk echo disk.
- The AMIGA UK ISP Support Page - The AMIGA support center for the some UK Internet service providers. By Tim Evans.
- Amiga User Groups - CUCUG's comprehensive listing of Commodore Users Groups.
- AmigaWWW-Paginas Brasileiras - AmigaWWW is the listpage of brazilian Amiga-related homepages (a kind of mini Amiga Web Directory for Brazil). In Portuguese. By Daniel Mealha Cabrita.
- Amigas on the Internet - Amigas used as servers on the Internet.
- The Amigas at NVG - Amigas on the net and other info.
- Amiga World - Support, opinion, news, info and links.
- The Amiga Zone - Home page for the Amiga Zone, an online resource, home, community, oasis, for Amiga owners moderated by industry legend Harv Laser.
- AmiTech '97 - Amiga Show (Amigam�ssa) in Stockholm, Sweden 25-27 April 1997. The biggest Amiga event in Scandinavia during 1997.
- AmiVag's Lair - Fun, little web site offering a selection of the author's MOD music files and other interesting tidbits.
- AMOS - The AMOS Web Site, a source for AMOS information and products.
- A.P. Entertainment - Includes a wonderful collection of original cartoon creations, a custom Amiga icon collection and information about making cel animations on the Amiga. By the very talented Andrew Powell.
- ARG Amiga Animation Studio - Amiga cartoon animation page now offering 3 different archives of anims. By Artie Romero.
- Arnold's Amiga Cave - Nice info site includes original FAQ section, hardware and software reviews and a news page. Writen in Dutch and English. By Arnold A. Perne.
- Aurora Works' Forum - Periodic articles, letters, computer art, submissions from computer gamers, artists (2D,3D,sound, and music), game designers and other Amiga industry professionals. Sponsored by a new entertainment software company, Aurora Works.
- Australian Amiga Gathering - Australian Amiga Gazette announces an Amiga exposition will be held in Sydney, Australia in June '97.
- Ian Bale - X11 pointers, Amiga icons and detailed instructions and utitlites to use an Iomega Zip drive to transfer files between your Amiga and a Sun workstation.
- Dan Barrett's Home Page - Lots of fun stuff from that BLAZEMONGER guy.
- Robert Batina's Home Page - Tons of varied fare including Roberto's Amigatized Tunes--a collection of original MED songs.
- Be - Another "alternative" computer platform many are hailing as "the new Amiga".
- Niklas Berg - Includes links to Amiga emulator programs mostly for game platforms and a support page for emulator programmers on the Amiga.
- The Blessed Land of the Worms - A site exclusively for the Amiga versions of Worms and Worms DC. Includes loads of levels, sample sets, tips'n tricks and links. Maintained by Ulf Tidstrand.
- BrowserWatch - BrowserWatch is the the leading site for information about browser stats. The Amiga is currently rated as the number-three used hardware platform (behind Intel and the Mac). Be sure to visit this site to crank up the Amiga's standing on the 'net!
- The Cinema 4D and Raytracing Homepage - Dedicated to the Cinema4D ray tracing package, but also of interest for other renderers. Includes tutorials, objects and textures pages. By Hans-J�rg and Thomas Frieden.
- Club Blitz - Blitz Basic programming support page. By Bohdan Lechnowsky.
- Nicholas Blachford - Personal web page which includes some Amiga hardware ideas and the Blachford Technology (Amiga audio software) web page.
- Blitz Program Collection - Collection of source code for Blitz Basic programmers. All the code so far comes from people on the Blitz Mailing List, but all source code submissions are welcome. By Alexander Wingrove.
- Blitz2 & Assembler Page - Blitz2 and assembler resource with download section. By Oddvar Braa.
- Tim Brand - Includes Ibrowse transfer animations, web graphics and what you need to get an Amiga connected to the 'net.
- Hans Blom's Homepage - Includes animations and raytraces.
- CD32-Cheats - Nearly all CD32 cheats. By Stefan Redel.
- CD-Rom Klubben Online - Norwegian CD-Rom club specializing in CD32 and Amiga disks for members to exchange.
- CHAMIGA - The home of the Amiga in Argentina. By Marcelo Duschkin.
- ChaoZer's Homepage - IBrowse and Blitz support pages. By Adam Waldenberg.
- Collins' Encyclopedia Galactica - Online encyclopedia for the forthcoming Amiga game Explorer 2260 by Digital Anarchy Software. By Eddie Collins.
- Columbo - Amiga-dedicated site for AmigaDOS-GNU Project, AmigOS Project and all Unix-like OSes for the Amiga.
- The Commodore Bankruptcy - A very prophetic editorial article written by Commodore employee Vernon Graner back in 1992. Insightful information!
- Comp.sys.amiga.announce - Announcement newsgroup moderated by Dan Zerkle.
- Cory's Amiga Page - Lots of varied fare including Cory's Amifind, an Aminet CD search utility.
- Computer Porno Pictures - Lurid and inviting, repulsive yet strangely enticing, this collection of unclad beauties might shock you. Here's a list of those who have dared to sneak a peek.
- Cyberwlf's Amiga Domain - Amiga information, product reviews, news, links, Amiga picture gallery and more.
- Terence Davis - News articles/headlines about PowerPC developments and other informatuion.
- demon.ip.support.amiga (DISA) - Homepage for users of the demon.co.uk (Internet provider) newsgroup where off-topic posting is successfully encouraged.
- Les Dietz - Gallery of pictures featuring Rachael Raccoon.
- Digital Art Gallery - Collection of fine, digital art by Rob Boyd.
- Dr. Amiga - FREE e-mail-based Amiga technical support for any Amiga enthusiast in the world. Courtesy of Productive Computer Systems.
- Dr. Floppy's Amiga Corner - Some nice but smallish pics of historical as well as new Amiga models with links and other info. By UROS Bogataj.
- Domenig's Homepage - News for Amiga, BlitzBasic, Voodoo e-mailer, all in German. By Domenig Weyermann.
- Dutch Amiga Home Pages - A collection of links to Dutch Amiga resources on the Web. By Bob Rodenburg.
- Earl Weaver Baseball League - Fantasy baseball league using Earl Weaver Baseball for the Amiga computer since 1987. By Paul Lavallee.
- Ed's Home Page - Collection of articles written by Ed Hoffmann.
- Emulators For The Amiga - Up-to-date listing of all known emulators that run on the Amiga as well as some that don't, but could be ported. Maintained by Martin Chantler.
- Emulators Unlimited - Site claims containing up-to-date versions of all known emulations for the Amiga sorted by platform.
- The Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame - Compete with Amiga F1GP fanatics from all over the world in the battle to the the fastest player around. Also includes F1GP-Ed Cockpit Designs, Datafiles and Team Ecosse. By Alan Strang.
- Amiga F1GP - The Help Section - Tips and hints to help you getting faster in Formula One Grand Prix. By Markus Kruggel.
- Gary Fenton's Amiga Report - Curiously titled collection of articles written by Gary Fenton, former Technical Editor of Amiga User International magazine.
- Randy Finch Articles - A collection of articles which have appeared in Amazing Computing.
- David Flaherty - Games-oriented page contains commercial games release schedule and the XTR Hall of Fame supporting Silltunna's Xtreme Racing.
- Fidonet Italy Corner - This is the main Italian site supporting FidoNet.
- The Book of Flashback - Includes hints about Workbench tools and links. By Roberto Agria.
- French Amiga Web Server - 3D site (imagine objects) with serach engine, ARexx programs for Imagine, programs and source code of programs written in E. Site presented in French. By Capus AndrT.
- Funny Stories - The lighter side of the Amiga; humorous happenings and jovial jocularity.
- The Gateless Barrier - Miscellaneous Amiga-oriented material including information about using the Thai language on an Amiga. Keymaps and fonts are available. By Flemming Steffensen.
- The Gathering - Project designed to help individuals with similar interests to get together and exchange ideas and information. Includes Amiga users and 3D artists.
- The Gathering - Magic Decks Made Easy - Pre-made decks for the fast-growing game, Magic The Gathering. By Joey McNeal.
- GAUHPIL - The Geographical Amiga Users Home Page.
- GLAMIND - GLobal AMigas on the INternet Directory.
- Steve Gowdy - Very well-done, content-rich Amiga home page.
- Steve's Lightwave 3D Site - Lightwave rendering on the Amiga, with pictures, objects and support files for download. By Steve Whalley.
- John Gray - Music compositions in .midi format available online created using DMusic 2.0.
- Amiga in Graz - Information about Graz, Austria and its local Amiga scene.
- Joel Hagen - Collection of graphics articles which once appeared in the now defunct AmigaWorld magazine. Lots of other eye candy on Joel's site--don't miss it!
- Dave Haynie - Info page about one of the most famous of the ex-Commodore designers.
- Hazard's Amiga Page - Some sounds, pics and mods.
- G. Hazianastasmou's Amiga Links - Some news and odd hacks.
- Torsten Hiddessen - Raytracing and backgrounds.
- Home of Amiga - The Amiga home page in Poland.
- Home Sweet Home: Amiga - General Amiga information, software recommendations, Amiga graphic info, FAQ lists and links. By Claus L�thje.
- How to get those old Amiga games working! - The definitive reference to Amiga game compatibility! By Gerald Yuen.
- Industry Council Open Amiga - An assemblage of developers and other concerned parties which will be feeding ideas about the future direction of the Amiga to Gateway 2000.
- The Independent Amiga Rejuvenation Survey - Aiming to provide a common document representing the Amiga users' views upon the future of the Amiga. By Gunnar Liljas.
- International Amiga Users Group - User group listings and other information.
- Intuition - News and reviews of hardware, applications and new games. By Ed Collins.
- IPISA - Italian Programmers' Meeting for Amiga Development. Here's the Italian page.
- Eoghann Irving's Amiga Pages - Lot of various Amiga resource materials, but our favorite is the nice, Amiga Made logo which you can put on your own home pages.
- Japanese on the Amiga - A collection of links and pointers to files for using the Japanese language on the Amiga. By Kent Burns.
- Jay Miner Society - Organization formed for the advancement of the Amiga.
- JC's Home Page - Basic introduction to the Amiga for those that are unfamiliar with the machine. By James Cates.
- jOnKO's mAskIn - Nicely done homepage looks like Workbench.
- Val Kartchner's Amiga Page - More links and rumors.
- Kato - Developer group responsible for the Melody 16-bit sound card for Zorro Amiga's and a A3000 72-pin SIMM adapter.
- Christian Kemp's Amiga Network News - A collection of news/rumor messages which have recently appeared in Amiga-oriented Usenet news groups. Nice, filtered summary for people with no access or little time. Here's the Australian mirror site.
- korhonenNET - Amiga news, reviews, previews. Worms tips/levels. SWOS tips/highlights. By Chris Korhonen.
- Kostenlose PRIVATE Kleinanzeigen - German for sale/wanted classifieds/listings. By Thomas Schemken.
- Thomas Kummer's AMIGA homepage - Interesting news and information about AMIGA.
- Macintosh Web Directory - Attention, ShapeShifter and Emplant users! Check out The Amiga Web Directory's sister WWW site for the Mac!
- Andreas Magnusson's Home Page for Amiga Users - Swedish language Amiga support site includes cheats for games, an original ad for the A1200 and general Amiga information.
- Alan Mackey - Various samples of original Amiga cartoon artwork.
- Mad Tom's Amiga Cheats - A bunch of great amiga cheats and a directory of other cheat files.
- Mart's Mainly Amiga and Warhammer Quest Pages - Support site for various Amiga games and an overview of Dutch Amiga users who have their own homepages. By Martijn Noordam.
- Alain Martini - VGA Switch, DR2DViewer and other projects by Alain Martini.
- The Mighty (Amiga) Cheat List - Cheats and work-arounds for lots of games.
- Multivitaminas Amiga Page - A campaign for increasing the appreciation of the Amiga as a commercially viable machine for the big software developers. With text in English and Portuguese.
- Muttley's Amiga Pages - Current Amiga news and rumours, information on the Amiga, the homepage for Wacky Soft, and the UK Amiga Classifieds page where people can advertise their Amiga bits. By Alex Stansfield.
- The Netstalker Files - Web home of Mike Brantley, a journalist covering media and technology for the Mobile (AL) Register newspaper. Mike, an Amiga enthusiast since the A1000 made its debut in 1985, frequently shares his Amiga obsession with his readers and Web site visitors.
- Network 27 - Italian Amiga home page with info, links and ftp download of selected software.
- The Nutecnet Amiga Page - Brazilian Internet provider offering support for the Amiga. By Fabio Santos de Goes.
- O.R. Translations - Swedish translations of Amiga software and associated text and documentation. By Johan Alfredsson.
- PackMAN / P.U.R.I.T.Y. - German disk collection supporting Pascal programs, libraries, tip and tricks and tools.
- Pimpernel Online Amiga Informatie - Nice WWW starting place written in Dutch.
- pLaNeT aMiGa - News, opinions and other odds and ends from longtime Amiga fanatic Stacey Abshire.
- Petition for a 'United OS' - Participate in the petition for a 'United OS' for the Amiga. Just fill out this handy, online form! A German version is also available.
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Format - Includes lists of software (all platforms) supporting PNG--Amiga software is heavily represented in the lists. It also contains links to All Amiga graphical web browsers home pages, as all Amiga graphical web browsers support PNG through datatypes.
- pOS - Information regarding this alternative operating system from proDAD. Page maintained by Amelius "Loster" Pappenheimer.
- Positive Authors Shareware List - The P.S.A.L is a rating service based on votes from users for shareware software on the basis of how well the author provided service, e.g., 5 points are awarded if the keyfile is sent by return post. By Lyndon Hill.
- PowerUP - Devoted to all the available info on PowerPC software and hardware for the Amiga. By Anders Johansson.
- Colin Prichard's Amiga Home Page - Lots of little bits and bobs such as an IBrowse page, scripts, icons, etc.
- ProAmiga - Amiga resources available in Italy. By Claudio Dosio & Antonio Benvenuti.
- Pumpkin HomePage - Amiga gaming news and release dates for all new and upcoming Amiga games.
- Rad's Home Page - Scenarios for the game Harpoon, played on the Amiga, info on the the #AmigaHarpoon IRC channel page. Many useful Amiga links and search engines. Member and supporter of CUCUG! By Paul Wilcox.
- RBProductions - Featuring Scientific Amigan, the Newsletter Xchange and more! By Robert Pigford.
- ROBOFLIGHT - Mpegs and info on ROBOFLIGHT, a Sci-Fi Channel film featuring Amiga generated graphics and special effects.
- The Artwork of James D. Sachs - James D. Sachs is a famous Amiga artist whose works include Defender of the Crown and the yet-to-be-released 20,000 Leagues. Web page by Jeff Palmer.
- Carl Sassenrath - Amiga pioneer who helped to author of a little program called AmigaDos. Now the former Software Director and Webmaster for VIScorp.
- The Unofficial Eric Schwartz Web Page - Guide to many of Eric Schwartz's animations and links to easily download them. Maintained by Mark Rigby-Jones in the UK. Also available is the US Mirror Site maintained by Victor A. Vergara.
- Slovenian Amiga Home Page - The Slovenian home of the Amiga.
- Ian Smith - Info and tools for rendering, texture mapping, Imagine 3D and ImageMaster R/T.
- Somente Amiga - Brazilian Amiga page with information about emulators, Internet connection, and more in Portuguese. By Piter Marques Costa.
- Sparkey's Home Page - MotionCLIPS CD-ROM developer's home page. A collection of "moving clipart".
- Spumoni Land - Nick 'Spumoni' Verenini's experimental http server running on an Amiga. Includes the Workbench Snapshot Page.
- Squid's Amiga Page and Rumor Mill - Running commentary and rumors on the Amiga market and computer industry.
- Stone-D - Resources for the ever-popular Frontier game and some various other utils. By Laga M. Hale.
- Svenska Amigahemsidan - The homepage for Swedish Amigausers with lots of Swedish Amigalinks and a list of Swedish Amigausers. By Mikael Niczko.
- Swedish Amiga Information - Information about the Amiga in Sweden. By Per Zetterlund.
- Sweet Cheater - Giant resource of game cheats and backdoors.
- Thomas Tavoly - Varied collection of material including a super, pictorial report on the CeBIT '97 computer show.
- ThreeToad WWW Browser Comparison Page - This page compares features of different browsers by examining their ability to accurately render a test page (screenshots included). Three Amiga browsers (Voyager, AWeb and IBrowse) are actually included thanks to avid Amigan, Mathew Ignash.
- Calum Tsang - Keeper of the A570 FAQ and the A2090 FAQ.
- Tudo sobre o Amiga - Brazilian home page intended for Amiga users. Information in Portuguese only. By Luiz Gustavo Milfont Pereira.
- UK Amiga Users Homepages - A listing of UK users' personal WWW pages.
- The Unofficial Australian Amiga Home Page - A definitive Amiga resource for online content, directly aimed at Australian Amiga users by Adrian De Luca.
- Jose Vergara - Spanish-language site features AMIyNET a list of Amiga users on the Internet that speak Spanish.
- Video Animation Masters - Providing support for Imagine 3D software 2.0 through 5.0 and Macrosystem's Vlabmotion video editor support. By Verne Myers.
- Alf Inge Wang's Amiga Homepage - Very nicely content-rich site includes much general information about the Amiga as well as a few outstanding special features including, an Amiga Racing Games overview.
- WaveSurfer - Lightwave support page by Thad Cutsinger includes links, images and other files.
- Wojo's Homepage - Gallery of pictures with Dominique Dormouse. By Josef Wollersberger.
- Porter Woodward - User home page with some good links and programming information.
- Worms Suppport Page - A support page for the game Worms. By Adam Waldenberg.
- Chris Wright - Info and links about the Amiga.
- Curtis Yallop - Many Amiga Workbench pictures, some info and links.