You can use this script to give a definition or more specific information to a
highlighted word. Look at this example...
My Homepage
JavaScript Made Easy!
To use this script with 2 links copy the following lines of code into your <head></head>
tag. You also have to change NEW WINDOW LINK, WINDOW NAME, and any of thet window
properties. I will explain how to add more links at the bottom!
<SCRIPT Language='JavaScript'>
function winopen1() {
msg1=open("NEW WINDOW LINK","WINDOW NAME","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,
function winopen2() {
msg2=open("NEW WINDOW LINK","WINDOW NAME","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,
Now put this anywhere in your page and change the LINK LOCATION and LINK DESCRIPTION.
<a href="LINK LOCATION" onMouseOver="winopen1(); return true;" onMouseOut="msg1.close();">LINK DESCRIPTION</a><BR>
<a href="LINK LOCATION" onMouseOver="winopen2(); return true;" onMouseOut="msg2.close();">LINK DESCRIPTION</a><BR>
To add more links add these lines of code to the script that is in your <head></head>
tag. It goes after the "}" and before the"</script>
function winopen3() {
msg3=open("NEW WINDOW LINK","WINDOW NAME","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,
Notice how "msg3" increased and so did "function winopen3()". If
you wanted a 4th message it would be "msg4" and function winopen4()"
Now add this to the body of your document.
<a href="LINK LOCATION" onMouseOver="winopen3(); return true;" onMouseOut="msg3.close();">LINK DESCRIPTION</a><BR>
Notice how "msg3.close()" increased and so did "winopen3(); return true;". If you wanted a 4th message it would be "msg4.close()" and function winopen4(); return true;"