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Flashing Hello World
## ##
## # # ##### #### # ##### ##
## # # # # # # # # # ##
## ##### ### # #### # # # ##
## ## ## # # # # # # # ##
## # # ##### ##### ##### ##### ##
## ##
The above example was done using the flashing modes (<F4>). First the
"bright plane" was enabled, and the "HELLO" was drawn; then the "dark
plane" was enabled, and the "WORLD" was drawn. Note that you can't use
bright colours on the dark plane, so it is a good idea to set the text
colour to light gray before you start (<Alt>+A to change colours).
The text was simply done using the quick block mode (<Ctrl>+<F5>). The
colours were altered until satisfactory using the replace colour command
(<Alt>+R - the colour is selected with <Alt>+A). Remember the colours on
the dark plane can't be bright.
The "moving" border around the edge was, once again, done using the two
seperate planes in the flashing mode. First you draw all the "even"
positions on the "bright plane", and then you draw all the "odd" posi-
tions on the "dark plane".
The blocks themselves can be done with a spacebar with the background
colour set to green. If you want to speed things up a bit, then once you
have done one block, you can copy it into a buffer (with <Alt>+C), then
all the others can be done by copying back from the buffer (<Alt>+P).
See Also:
Quick Block
Replace Colour
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson