Normal usage

The vast majority of your existing <LaTeX> documents will run through the new system with no further change. The commonest area for incompatibilities is in maths (see below, section [*]), but you may also be `tripped' by the new orthogonality in shape and weight selection. If your document contains:
 See {\bf bold and then \tt typewriter}
under the old <LaTeX>, the \tt completely overrides the effect of \bf, but in the new system, they are different attributes, so the command \tt changes the family to (perhaps) cmtt, but the bold series attribute is unchanged, so the system will load a bold typewriter font (which you may or may not have). A rather more worrying situation occurs when you have defined a new command without thinking through the ramifications. Thus if in a style file or document preamble, we have said
 \newcommand{\PS}{{\sc PostScript}}
so that \PS produces POSTSCRIPT, and the later we write
  \section{How \PS\ changed my life}
we may have a problem, if the \section command is defined to set its argument in a bold sans-serif typeface. The definition of \PS says that the word is in small caps. This is a change in shape, so the family (a sans-serif font) stays unchanged, as does the series (bold). So the system tries to load a small caps bold sans-serif font, which you may not have (you don't in Computer Modern, for instance). Here a very important feature of NFSS2 comes into action, font substitution; it follows a set of rules (which the user can change) and finds the closest possible match. This may not be at all what the user intended, and it will probably produce a different effect from the old <LaTeX>. However, NFSS2 always puts out clear warnings on the terminal and log file when it is substituting, and the problem is usually obvious when you see your printout. Some more careful discipline is required when writing new documents, and emending old ones. Bear in mind that the strange effects are not mistakes by <LaTeX>, but simply a stricter interpretation of the input than the old <LaTeX>.

How do we persuade <LaTeX> to choose the attributes we want? The same commands which we already have work as expected, with two new ones available; these are listed in Table [*].

Table: User commands to change attributes
Command Meaning Effect
$$rm normal family usually a serif font
$$sf sans family a sans font
$$tt typewriter family a monospaced typewriter font
$$bf bold series bold typeface
$$it italic shape italic typeface
$$sl slanted shape slanted typeface
$$sc small-caps shape SMALL-CAPS TYPEFACE
$$normalshape normal shape back to normal
$$mediumseries normal series normal weight

The size changing commands have an important difference compared to old <LaTeX>: they only change the font size attribute (in the old <LaTeX> they changed the series and shape back to `normal roman').

The font changing in <LaTeX> declarations have always been rather anomalous, in that they affect the text within the { and } group where they used, instead of having an argument like most other commands. <LaTeX> beginners often mistakenly type \em{hello} when trying to typeset hello. It is therefore a very good idea to start using a different set of commands, which are provided by the style option fontcmds, listed in Table [*].

Table: New font commands with arguments
Command Example Effect
Changing family
$$textrm $$textrm{Whales} Whales
$$textsf $$textsf{Whales} Whales
$$texttt $$texttt{Whales} Whales
Changing series
$$textbf $$textbf{Whales} Whales
$$textmedium $$textmedium{Whales} Whales
Changing shape
$$textit $$textit{Whales} Whales
$$textsl $$textsl{Whales} Whales
$$textsc $$textsc{Whales} WHALES
$$textnormal $$textnormal{Whales} Whales
$$emph $$emph{Whales} Whales

If you want to change the default action associated with any of the above commands, you can do so with the \renewcommand macro; each of the declarations above has a corresponding command with a suffix of default. Thus you could change the effect produced by \tt by saying (in the document preamble or a style file):

if you had a font family called `courier'. There may be problems with the encoding, if this is a PostScript font, but we will discuss that in appendix 1.

`How', the suspicious reader will ask, `do I know what values are allowed for the font attributes? How do I know that boldness is indicated by a series of ``bx''?' In fact, more or less any value for the attributes is permitted, but if you want your document to be useable by others, it would be as well to stick to a conventional set. If you ask for a shape of `grotesque', you will get the right font if the fd contains an entry for that combination of attributes. Conventional values are as follows (for the Computer Modern family):

cmr, cmss, cmtt
n, it, sl, sc
m, b, bx (differentiating between normal bold and extended bold)
Most users will not worry about this, but simply use the high-level commands and get the effect they intended. Different font families will commonly be loaded via a style file which changes the default families looked for by \rm, \sf and \tt. A palatino.sty, for instance, will set things up so that the roman font is Palatino-Roman, the sans font is Helvetica and the typewriter font is Courier. A set of suitable fd files and style files for common PostScript fonts is distributed with NFSS2. The only problem here is agreeing on family names for fonts, and having suitable fd files, but this is done for a great many typefaces in the standard NFSS2 distribution, with the family names listed in Table [*].

Table: Common font family names
Computer Modern
cmr Computer Modern Roman cmss Computer Modern Sans
cmtt Computer Modern Typewriter cmm Computer Modern Math
cmex Computer Modern maths extension cmsy Computer Modern maths symbols
cmdh Computer Modern Dunhill cmfib Computer Modern Fibonacci
cmfr Computer Modern Funny
lasy <LaTeX> symbols
msa AMS symbol font 1 msb AMS symbol font 2
ccm Concrete Maths ccr Concrete Roman
euex Euler maths extension euf Euler Fraktur
eur Euler Roman eus Euler Script
pag Avant Garde pbk Bookman
pcr Courier phv Helvetica
ppl Palatino psy Symbol
ptm Times pzc Zapf Chancery
pzd Zapf Dingbats