
by Mark Brown

You can't build a monument without bricks, and you can't make bricks without straw-everyone who has seen the film The Ten Commandments knows that.

The World Wide Web is built of Web pages, and those pages are themselves created with HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. Without HTML, there would be no Web pages, and without Web pages, there would be no World Wide Web.

If you plan to establish your own monumental presence on the World Wide Web, you have to start with the straw, and that's HTML.

Though many people speak of "HTML Programming" with a capital P, HTML is really not a programming language at all. HTML is exactly what it claims to be: a markup language. You use HTML to mark up a text document, just as you would if you were an editor using a red pencil. The marks you use indicate which format (or presentation style) should be used when displaying the marked text.

If you have ever used an old word processing program, you already know how a markup language works. In these old programs, if you wanted text to appear in italics, you surrounded it with control characters like this:

/Ithis is in italics/i

When you printed the document, the first /I kicked your line printer into italics mode, the following text was printed in italics, and the /i then turned off italics. The printer didn't actually print the /I or /i. They were just codes to tell it what to do. But the "marked up" text in between appeared in italics.

HTML works exactly the same way. If you want text to appear on a Web page in italics, you mark it like this:

<I>this is in italics</I>

The <I> turns on italics; the </I> turns it off. The <I> and </I> tags don't appear on-screen, but the text in between is displayed in italics.

Everything you create in HTML relies on marks, or tags, like these. To be a whiz-bang HTML programmer, all you need to learn is which tags do what. Fortunately, that's what this entire book is about.

A few other topics are covered along the way: page design techniques, the extensions to HTML supported by browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, graphics creation, and even multimedia content for your Web site. You take a look at HTML and graphics editing tools, HTML code verification, and how to promote your site on the Web. You even take short side trips into Java applets, CGI programming, and Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML).

But you explore these topics only as they relate to the main theme: creating your own Web pages using HTML. The major goal of this book is to help you learn as much as possible about HTML itself.

Who Should Use This Book?

Special Edition Using HTMl, Second Edition, is intended for anyone and everyone who wants to create his or her own presence on the World Wide Web.

Novices will find information on what other people are doing on the Web, what is appropriate to put on the Web, and how to use basic HTML tags to begin to create their own Web pages.

Intermediate users will discover tips, tricks, and techniques for creating Web pages that exploit the full potential of HTML.

And advanced users will learn how to use powerful extensions to HTML and additional elements such as CGI-bin programs and Java applets to make their World Wide Web pages truly world class.

How This Book is Organized

Special Edition Using HTML, Second Edition, is organized into six logical sections.

Part I, "Overview of the World Wide Web," gives a short history of the Internet and how the Web came to be. This part explores the relationships between the Web and earlier Internet services such as e-mail, FTP, Gopher, and UseNet news. A glossary of terms necessary for discussing Web-related topics is included, as is a chapter that explains how Web server computers and Web browser programs work together.

Part II, "Basic HTML Presentation," jumps into the basics of HTML page creation. First, you find out what kinds of information do and don't belong on the Web; in other words, you learn how to make sure that your Web pages present you as a good netizen (Net citizen). Then you learn about the HEAD and BODY sections of an HTML document, how to mark up text so that it appears on the screen in various styles, and how to link your pages gracefully to other Internet services such as Gopher, FTP, UseNet news, and e-mail. You find information on standard HTML page design practices such as signing and dating pages, and how to provide text-only pages for non-graphic browsers. An entire chapter is devoted to the topic of making HTML lists, and three chapters describe how to create and implement Web page graphics, including tricky topics such as transparent GIF images and progressive JPEGs.

Part III, "Advanced HTML Presentation," delves into tougher material like designing clickable image maps for easier Web site navigation and the subtleties of HTML tables. Chapter 14 provides a break by stepping you through the creation of two real home pages, one personal and one for business. Two chapters cover the extensions to HTML that are supported by Netscape and other Web browser programs. You also get a peek at the proposed HTML 3.0 standard. This part progresses to discuss VRML and multimedia, including MPEG, AVI, and MOV movies. The last two chapters in this part tell you how to verify your HTML code and how to promote your site on the Web.

Part IV, "Forms and CGI," tackles two of the most versatile and most challenging Web page-creation tools. Forms are HTML elements that allow your site to obtain information from your viewers. CGI programs (or scripts) let you use that information to create customized responses "on the fly."

Part V, "Developing Interactive Web Pages," goes beyond what you learned in Part IV with a chapter that explains how you can use forms to implement live chat pages. This part then moves on to discuss Java applets and what they can do for your pages, as well as how to use Netscape's new LiveWire product to implement Java on your site.

Part VI, "HTML Authoring Tools," fills you in on the latest HTML accessories for Web page creation, including Netscape Gold, Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word, and Quarterdeck WebAuthor. Stand-alone HTML editors such as HotDog, WebEdit, and Arachnid are also discussed.

Part VII, "Sample HTML Applications," gives you an insider's view of two fictitious Web sites where you can observe the process that two entities go through in developing their Web pages.

Finally, the appendixes include a full reference to HTML elements, an HTML quick reference guide, and a World Wide Web bibliography.

Conventions Used in This Book

This book uses various stylistic and typographic conventions to make it easier to use.

Shortcut key combinations are joined by + (plus) signs; for example, Ctrl+X means to hold down the Ctrl key, press the X key, and then release both.

Menu items and dialog box selections often have a mnemonic key associated with them. This key is indicated by an underline on the item on-screen. To use these mnemonic keys, you press the Alt key and then the shortcut key. In this book, mnemonic keys are set in bold, like this: File.

This book uses the following typeface conventions:

Typeface Meaning
Italic Variables in commands or addresses, or terms used for the first time
Bold Text you type in, as well as addresses of Internet sites, newsgroups, mailing lists, and Web sites
Computer type

Notes provide additional information related to the topic at hand.

Tips provide quick and helpful information to assist you along the way.

Cautions alert you to potential pitfalls or dangers in the operations discussed.

What are Troubleshooting notes?

Troubleshooting notes answer questions that might arise while following the procedures in this book.

In this electronic edition of Special Edition Using HTML, Second Edition, hypertext links are used to point you to other places in the book with additional information relevant to the topic.

See chapter 1