Air Conditioning should be considered as the last option for cooling your home.
If you’ve exhausted all other options and are looking to purchase an
air conditioner, visit our link at right for information on how to
purchase an efficient and cost effective air conditioner. If you want to
know more about how to cool your home for a lot less money than the
cost of using an air conditioner, read on!
3 Main Ways to keep Cooling Costs Low:
- bring in cool night air
- avoid or delay heat buildup during the day and
- keep air moving
*Please Note:
Understanding the principles of heating and cooling, and the roles of
conduction, convection, radiation and perspiration can be helpful in
designing the most effective way of achieving the above three aims,
and this document explains them clearly and simply.
Ventilation is
the least expensive and most energy-efficient way to cool buildings,
bringing in cool night air and keeping air moving during the day.
Ventilation works best when combined with methods to avoid heat buildup
in your home. In some cases, natural ventilation will suffice for
cooling, although it usually needs to be supplemented with spot
ventilation, ceiling fans and window fans. For large homes, homeowners
might want to investigate whole house fans.
Ventilation is ineffective in hot, humid climates where temperature
swings between day and night are small. In these climates, attic
ventilation can help to reduce your use of air conditioning. Ventilating
your attic greatly reduces the amount of accumulated heat, which
eventually works its way into the main part of your house. Ventilated
attics are about 30°F (16°C) cooler than unventilated attics. Properly
sized and placed louvers and roof vents help prevent moisture buildup
and overheating in your attic.
For details on how to avoid heat buildup and how to make best use of
natural ventilation, ceiling fans and other circulating fans, window
fans and whole house fans click on the PDFs with the same titles to the