Below are guidelines and tips in choosing a contractor:
BPI Contractors in Tompkins County
View our List of Home Performance Contractors operating in Tompkins County.
Why a BPI Contractor?
In order to qualify for many financial incentives for home energy efficiency improvements, you must use a BPI-certified contractor. BPI stands for Building Performance Institute, a national organization that sets accepted standards for energy contractor certification. BPI contractors are rigorously trained in the "house-as-a-system approach" to assess and improve energy performance, comfort, and air quality of homes.
BPI-certified contractors must have third-party verification to ensure their work meets quality standards. The process works. Home energy retrofits by BPI certified contractors have been proven to reduce energy usage, often by 20% or more.
How It Works
- Schedule an energy audit. Select a BPI-certified contractor working in your area and call to schedule an energy audit. Once you schedule an audit, the contractor comes to your home and uses a blower door and thermal imaging camera to find where your home is leaking air and lacking insulation. The auditor also analyzes the efficiency of heating and air conditioning systems, appliances, and lighting.
- Get your report. Your contractor will provide you a comprehensive report of your home's energy use, recommendations for improving efficiency, cost of improvements, expected savings, and financial incentives available to you.
- Choose what work to do. Once you receive the report, you can choose what measures you would like the contractor to do, depending on your budget.
When You Call Contractors
- When you call a contractor, ask to schedule an energy audit. Expect the audit to take 3-4 hours.
- The price of an energy audit varies. Some contractors offer free or low-cost consultations that do not include blower door and thermal camera diagnostics. A comprehensive energy audit typically costs between $300-$500. This cost is usually credited if you choose to make improvements.
- Ask the contractor what is included in a comprehensive energy audit. A blower door test, thermal imaging scan, and heating system test are diagnostics typically used by auditors to identify improvements.
- Auditors will need your most recent utility bills. Have these ready at the audit.
Choosing a Contractor
- There are many accredited contractors operating in Tompkins County. Visit contractor websites and call multiple contractors to compare rates and services offered.
- Avoid hiring single technology and vendor auditors (i.e. contractors that sell only windows or heating systems). Ask if the contractor performs comprehensive home energy retrofits in-house.
- Ask friends and neighbors for names of contractors they have experience with. Get references from the contractor and speak directly to former customers. Check the contractor's accreditation with the Better Business Bureau by visiting
- For more tips about choosing a contractor go to:
Are you looking for certified contractors in other regions of New York State? Visit the NYSERDA Resource Locator to see what is available near you!
Watch the videos below to hear some home retrofit stories from Tompkins County residents! (Visit our youtube channel for more videos.)