Plans for the Future

©1996, Richard B. Winston

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Last modified on Monday, January 15, 1996 - 5:50:32 AM

If this document receives a favorable response, I may incorporate the following additions in the future.

  1. Use graphics to show certain equations in a "prettier" form. (weeks to months)
  2. Provide input instructions for additional MODFLOW packages. (in the next few months)
  3. Provide complete example input files that can be run with MODFLOW. (by August 969)
  4. Provide examples with the input instructions for all packages (by August 96)
  5. Provide input instructions for FlowPath and Zone Budget (sometime)
  6. Provide input instructions for MODFLOWP (?)
  7. Provide input instructions for MODFLOWARC (?)
The proposed additions are listed in the order in which they are likely to occur.

Go back to Contents.

©1996, Richard B. Winston,
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La 70803
Fax 504-388-2302