Output Control Option (OC)

©1995,1996 Richard B. Winston

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Last modified on Wednesday, January 31, 1996 - 6:11:47 PM

Skip forward to Input instructions for the Output Control Option.

The original instructions for the Output Control Option are on pages 4-14 to 4-16 of McDonald and Harbaugh (1988).

Introduction: The Output Control is used to specify when the heads, drawdowns, water budget and cell by cell flow terms may be sent to the output. (However, cell-by-cell flow terms will not be sent to output unless a unit number is specified in each of the packages for which cell-by-cell flow terms are desired.

Default: Heads and budget are printed at the end of every stress period. If initial heads are saved, drawdowns will also be printed at the end of every stress period. Heads and drawdowns will be printed in 10G11.4 format.

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Input instructions

All input parameters should be right justified.

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Line 1, Spaces 1-10, Variable = IHEDFM, Integer

Printer FORTRAN format codes for heads. Positive values are used if each row is to be completely finished before starting on the next row (wrap format). Negative values are used when only as many columns are printed as can fit across one (line printer) line. All the heads will be printed but the heads in the layer will be broken into a series of strips (strip format). Some versions of MODFLOW may not support both strip and wrap formats.
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Line 1, Spaces 11-20, Variable = IDDNFM, Integer

Printer format codes for drawdowns. The same codes as IHEDFM are used.
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Line 1, Spaces 21-30, Variable = IHEDUN, Integer

Unit number on which heads will be saved (if they are to be saved). Unit numbers can be integers from 1-99. However, 1, 5, and 6 should be avoided. During execution of MODFLOW you will be prompted to supply a file name for each unit number.
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Line 1, Spaces 31-40, Variable = IDDNUN, Integer

Unit number on which drawdowns will be saved (if they are to be saved). Unit numbers can be integers from 1-99. However, 1, 5, and 6 should be avoided. During execution of MODFLOW you will be prompted to supply a file name for each unit number.
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Line 2, Spaces 1-10, Variable = INCODE, Integer

INCODE is used to tell how many copies of Line 3 will be used One copy of Line 2 followed by 0, 1, or NLAY copies of Lines 3+ must be given for each time step.
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Line 2, Spaces 11-20, Variable = IHDDFL, Integer

If you wish any of the heads or drawdowns either printed or saved to disk, you must set IHDDFL < > 0. You must then set the appropriate flags in Lines 3+.
One copy of Line 2 followed by 0, 1, or NLAY copies of Lines 3+ must be given for each time step.
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Line 2, Spaces 21-30, Variable = IBUDFL, Integer

If you wish a volumetric budget printed for this time step, set IBUDFL < > 0.
One copy of Line 2 followed by 0, 1, or NLAY copies of Lines 3+ must be given for each time step.
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Line 2, Spaces 31-40, Variable = ICBCFL, Integer

If you wish cell-by-cell flow terms printed or saved to disk for this time step, set ICBCFL < > 0. However, this alone will not cause the cell-by-cell flow terms to be printed or saved. You must also properly set up the input files for each of the other packages.
One copy of Line 2 followed by 0, 1, or NLAY copies of Lines 3+ must be given for each time step.
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Lines 3+, Spaces 1-10, Variable = Hdpr, Integer

If you wish to print heads for this layer, set if Hdpr < > 0
Lines 3+, (May occur 0, 1, or NLAY times per time step depending on INCODE)
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Lines 3+, Spaces 11-20, Variable = Ddpr, Integer

If you wish to print drawdowns for this layer, set if Ddpr < > 0
Lines 3+, (May occur 0, 1, or NLAY times per time step depending on INCODE)
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Lines 3+, Spaces 21-30, Variable = Hdsv, Integer

If you wish to save heads to disk for this layer, set if Hdsv < > 0
Lines 3+, (May occur 0, 1, or NLAY times per time step depending on INCODE)
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Lines 3+, Spaces 31-40, Variable = Ddsv, Integer

If you wish to save drawdowns to disk for this layer, set if Ddsv < > 0
Lines 3+, (May occur 0, 1, or NLAY times per time step depending on INCODE)
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Subsequent Lines

Lines 2 and 3+ are repeated for each time step. For each time step you need to have one copy of Line 2. That is followed by the appropriate number of lines for Lines 3+ depending on the value of INCODE.
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©1995,1996 Richard B. Winston,
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La 70803
Fax 504-388-2302