Welcome to ISCNI, the Institute for the Study of Contact with Non-human Intelligence. ISCNI's Home Page is designed to introduce you to the Institute, and to the newly defined interdisciplinary research subject known as "CNI" or Contact with Non-human Intelligence. Frequent visitors can discover the latest additions to our site on the What's New at ISCNI? page.
ISCNI addresses the subject of CNI in four primary categories...
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GUESTBOOK For those new to our website, we invite you to Sign the ISCNI Website Guestbook
CNI OVERVIEW For those new to the study of CNI, we have prepared An Overview of the Phenomena, which presents a description of our four principal areas of CNI investigation.
ISCNI BOOKSTORE NOW OPEN! The ISCNI Bookstore presents a carefully chosen selection of Contact-related books and tapes, and features the "Simply-Safe" credit card ordering system.