Area 51 Photo Gallery
So, I finally got a scanner. Be warned that it's only a matter
of time before I start scanning my supermarket receipts and placing
them online. Until then, here's a collection of some of the losers,
uh, I mean people, who frequent Area 51 and some of the places
they hang. Hopefully, by placing this info directly online, it
will make it easier for the security personnel of the "Powers
That Be" to track us yahoos. I'm always trying to help.
- Photo (22k jpg) The first reconnaissance
hike up Tikaboo Peak, in early March, 1994, before the stylish
Aspen crowd showed up and it became "the place to go".
Glenn, Jeri and moi.
- Photo (39k jpg) Your typical Saturday
afternoon on Tikaboo, SRO...even the Swiss show up!
- Photo (38k jpg) Tikaboo lowlifes,
some babe, moi, the Rat, the Bat, Zero and Less-Than-Zero.
- Photo (28k jpg) Alexis, the youngest
ascendee of Tikaboo, with cruel dad Ted. Looks like child abuse
to me.
- Photo (39k jpg) The notorious Swiss
Mountain Bat, perched atop Mt. Stirling. Why do do they keep letting
him into our country??
- Photo (23k jpg) The Bat in his
native habitat, apparently feeding.
- Photo (25k jpg) Agent X and the
Minister searching for Batmobiles near Delamar in a 4wd Le Baron..
Or at least they acted like it was 4wd...
- Photo (57k jpg) Agent X defending the
New World Order encampment at Tikaboo Peak. Might as well support
the winning side.
- Photo (42k jpg) What only the very coolest
Interceptor dudes drive to the Tikaboo basecamp. Great for cruising
chicks in Alamo.
- Photo (30k jpg) Our favorite secret
base as seen from about 9,500' over the black mailbox. The dirt
road heading away from below is Groom Lake Road, and that's Papoose
Lake peeking over the mountains on the far left.
- Photo (21k jpg) What can I say, you
spend enough time out there, you see weird things. Courtesy of
Agent X International Enterprises.
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