Just what is the Nellis Complex and how does it relate to Area 51? Well, Area 51 sits pretty much in the middle of what I'm calling the Nellis Complex. If you want to be a stickler, its proper name is the Nellis Air Force Range (I think "complex" sounds more "gee-whiz"). The damn thing takes up over 3 million acres at last count, but they may have grabbed a few more acres when no one was looking. Enough land to setup a small country, and all the weapons needed to defend it. Although Area 51 is the focus of many visitors to the area, there are other spots to tempt the true aviation connoisseur.
If you visit the area, expect to be thoroughly entertained by all manner of things zipping across the sky. Mostly terrestrial, of course, but you never know....
Tonopah Test Range: Large installation at the northerly end of the Nellis Complex
Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range: A surprise facility, new to most of us Nellis fans.
North Range: A bit about the Electronic Combat Ranges at the north end of it all, including Tolicha Peak and TTR.
Base Camp: An interesting outlying support facility and airstrip.
Aerial Trip Report: A modest attempt at our own "Open Skies" policy. Cheated death again!
Area 19: More questions than answers (Caution: wild-assed speculation alert!)
Misc. Area 51/Groom Lake Stuff: Just plain weird stories and wild-ass rumors that I had to put somewhere.
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