


Abductions - Mysterious stories of UFO abductions
Acupuncture - The traditional chinese medical technique.
Adamski, George - Probably the most famous 'contactee' of all.
Afrocentrism - Political movement that claims that African-Americans originate from ancient Egypt.
Alien - The Movie
Aliens - (See also Extra-Terrestrials) alien
Alternative Health Practices - A list of alternative health practices.
Ancient Astronauts - Gods from Outer Space.
Angels - Bodiless, immortal spirits, believed to exist by many religions.
Area 51 - Secret Military Base in Nevada
Argument from Design - One of the "proofs" for the existence of God.
Arnold, Kenneth - Jet pilot who coined the phrase 'Flying Saucer'.
Aromatherapy - Use of essential oils in healing.
Astral Projection - The separation of a person's consciousness from his or her body.
Astrology - Theory that movements of the celestial bodies (stars, planets, sun, and moon) influence human affairs and determine events.
Astronaut's Sightings of UFO's
Atheism - One who believes that God was man-made.
Atlantis - Legendary sunken island.
Auras - A coloured outline emanating from the surface of humans, animals and even inanimate objects.
Aurora Project - Development Project of a Secret Military Aircraft


Bermuda Triangle - Area in the Atlantic Ocean, Famous for Disappearances.
Betty and Barney Hill - Two of the most famous Alien Abductees.
Bigfoot - Hairy Man-Like Creature bigfoot
Biorhythms - Theory that numbers rule our lives.
Black Holes - Space-Time Phenomena
Blondlot, Rene Prosper - Scientist who fooled many other top scientists into the belief of the existence of a new kind of ray (N-Ray).
Blue Book - U.S. Government project to explain UFO Reports
Blue Sense - Policemans intuition.
BUFORA - The British UFO Research Association
Bunyips - Legendary spirits or creatures of the Australian Aborigine.


Cardiff Giant - Fossilized remains of an antediluvian giant. cattle
Cattle Mutilations - Alien Inflicted Mutilations?
Cayce, Edgar - Psychic medical diagnostician.
Channeling - Invasion by a spirit entity.
Chi Kung - Metaphysical belief system.
Chiromancy - Palm reading.
Chupacabra - Puerto Rican Creature
Clairvoyance - The power to perceive things that are out of the natural range of human senses.
Creationism - The belief in the account of the creation of the universe as presented in Genesis.
Crop Circles - Mysterious Sculptures in crop fields
Cryptomnesia - Hidden Memory. skull
Cryptozoology - Freaks of Nature
Crystal Skulls - Human Size Skulls Made from Quartz Crystal
Cults - Unconventional religious groups.
Cydonia - The famous plain on the surface of Mars, including the 'Face'..


Dahmer, Jeffrey - Serial Killer area51
Dianetics - A therapeutic technique with which can be treated all inorganic mental ills and all organic psycho-somatic ills.
Dogon and Sirius II - Western African tribe that claim to have had contact with extraterrestrials.
Dowsing - Rods which follow water sources.
Dreamland - Nickname for Area 51
Dualism - Belief in two substances, material and spiritual.


Earth - Our own Planet
Egyptian Pyramids - Ancient Structures built for the Pharoahs
EHF (Extraordinary Human Function) - The ability to read messages with one's ears or by sitting on the message.
Element 115 - Alleged UFO Fuel Source.
EMUFORA - East Midlands UFO Research Association
ESP - Extra Sensory Perception
Extra Terrestrial Highway - Reportedly one of the World's UFO hotspots.
Extra-Terrestrials - Lifeforms from other planets


Face On Mars - Face shaped mountain on the surface of Mars
Fairies - Mythical beings of folklore and romance.
Faked Moon Landings - Did man really land on the moon?
Fire In The Sky - One of the most famous UFO encounter cases.
Fire Walking - The activity of walking on hot coals.
Flying Saucers - UFO's ufo
Flying Saucer Review - UFO Publication
FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act
Fort, Charles - The inspiration for the fortean times magazine.
Fortean Times - Unexplained Phenomena Magazine
Friedman, Stanton.T. - Nuclear Physicist



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