Israel antichrist ufo crop circles satan angels ufo Jerusalem temple satan antichrist alien Jerusalem temple extraterrestrial ufo prophecy conspiracy Bible ufo angels satan ufo aliens angels satan ufo prophecy alien conspiracy tribulation temple antichrist prophecy satan alien conspiracy Bible

Eric Stetson quotes rogerb:

> > As someone who has had his doubt reduced to zero regarding
> > the existence of both God and extra-terrestrial visitors, I think
> > the subject of "UFO's in the Bible" is absolutely fascinating
> > and relevant. Ref. Luke 1:26-38 ...

Check out my new essay called "UFOs and the Bible." It covers the subject in-depth.

Watcher replies:

  • Mr. Stetson: when you used one of my old usenet posts on your earlier webpage on Spirit www, I was inspired to create my own website in response. See the Angelic Conspiracy and End Times Delusion .

    It is typical to say that ALL angelic encounters in the Bible were UFO encounters...this is a generalization that does not hold up if one measures it against criteria put forth in the Bible itself.

    Angelic messengers from God always gave glory to God, and the encounter with them left a human with no doubt as to the validity of God's revealed Word as Truth. When humans encounter angelic beings (for there are no "aliens", only humans and angels, and hybrids thereof) and are left doubting the Word of God, doubting that Jesus is the only way to salvation, doubting that God is who He says He is... then they have obviously encountered one of the fallen angels. The fallen angels only goal is to keep as many people from the Truth of Jesus as possible, and that is what you see in the current "alien" abductions.

    These alien abductions are nothing new! Look at the description of the Nephelim in Genesis, the angel/human hybrids who contributed to the overall evil and idolatry of that Pre-Deluge age. The original Hebrew does not say that the rebel angels looked on the humans and thought they were so attractive they had to have sex with them, it DOES say they looked on humans and saw that they were a "FIT EXTENSION", that is, a tool by which they could extend their will, and more effectively implement their plan.

    The hybrid Nephelim were created, and indwelled by the fallen angelic spirits.... just as the current "aliens" that we see are merely genetically engineered bodies inhabited by the rebel angels to carry out their will even now. The genius of this disguise as "aliens" is that people will accept that they evolved on other planets some how, and that aliens are the true "creators", having seeded this planet long ago. This is exactly what Satan wants humans to think. They deny there is a God, the Bible seems like a lie, and Satan has won. Further, he has prepared the way for Earth to accept the fallen angels as gods, or at least as saviours, when they are forced to stay on this planet at the midpoint of the tribulation, see Bible passages at Satan's Plan to Escape Judgment.

    Here is some evidence of angelic civilization on Mars and angelic influence on Earth

    The angels, and Satan, had civilizations on planets before the rebellion.

    What is their plan?

    When is the midpoint of the Tribulation, the War in Heaven?


  • Watcher

    Check out the response from Eric Stetson RE: The Nature/Intentions of Yahweh and Lucifer. Visit his UFOs and the Bible page