To most people the name "Lucifer", is believed
to be the actual name of Satan. This name is found in one passage of the
Bible only Isaiah 14:12,
The Hendricksen literal translation of the Bible uses
the phrase,"O shining star" instead of "Lucifer", which
is only partly correct. The actual Hebrew word, hay-lale, means
several things, "bright or clear sounding, "brightly colored
or shining", and also, boastfulness and pride.
The Hebrew word for a star is kochob, a round rolling object, not hay-lale. St. Jerome,
the translator of the Vulgate, the Catholic standard of the Bible still
in use today, translated hay- lale as "light bearing" or in
latin, "Lucifer".
The phrase, "son of morning" is another inaccuracy
in translation and should read "son of the dawning", or the earliest
or the first. This phrase describes the creation of this "son"
as occurring at the beginning of all the creation of God. The correct translation
in English should read, "O clear sounding, boasting son from the beginning".
This portrays much more clearly, the rebel angel who was cast by God from
the heavens. Isaiah continues his prophecy of the eventual fate of the
"boasting angel",
Today, anyone can go to their local public library
and pull vast quantities of information, pictures, periodicals and science
books about the planets in our solar system. Most up-dated versions of
astronomical resources describe the planets in minute detail, from remote
geological past to the present. The planet Mars has been described as an
extreme example of speculative "earth bound" theories of planetary catastrophism.
There seems no debate concerning the conclusions arrived
at by NASA's recent exploration of Mars with the Viking probes. These satellites,
sent to Mars in 1976, collected information concerning the geologic nature
of the planet and it's atmosphere. With the images that returned from the
orbiters mapping sequence it became apparent that Mars had experienced
nearly unimaginable catastrophic episodes.
With the evidence of water having once flowed on the planets surface in huge quantities, ocean volumes, it
was apparent that the Martian atmosphere was once more dense and the climate,
much more hospitable. Sometime in the remote past, for reasons still
being debated by astrophysicists, the Martian oceans washed over the surface
of the planet, inundating continents, the vast atmosphere was ripped away,
and the once Earth-like environment was laid waste.
In 1987 in the October edition of Science magazine,
D.P.Cruikshank and R.H. Brown reported a startling piece of news. They
had discovered organic compounds on three asteroids, Murray, 103 Electra
and Orguiel. With the process of spectral analyses of reflected light from
these three asteroids, Cruikshank and Brown not only detected amino acids
but also "aqueous alteration products", such as clay, suggesting
that the parent body had been affected by water. If these asteroids did
in fact contain sediment, it could not have been deposited without large
quantities of liquid water. It would have required a time length sufficient
to produce a build up of sediment, and an environment of gravitation strong
enough to not only hold vast quantities of water, but an atmosphere dense
enough to maintain it as a liquid. But these were asteroids!... minute
chunks of rock hurtling around the sun from a common area between the orbit
of Mars and Jupiter.
The accepted theory for the creation of the asteroid
belt is usually the failed planet accretion theory. This theory states
that during the primordial beginning of the solar system a planet which
astronomers call Astera was forming in the place where the asteroid belt
now occupies. Jupiter's gravitational influence on the incipient planet
was too strong for it to fully solidify. Because of Astera's insufficient
mass early in its development, it fragmented. This theory cannot be correct
in light of the new evidence. The facts are becoming more obvious. The
parent body of the asteroids and the planet Mars once sustained oceans
and atmospheres.
Study of the Bible reveals not only did the planets Mars and
what astronomers call Astera, the fifth planet, where the asteroid belt
now is, sustain life, but they were the seat of civilizations greater than
any we can imagine.
God questioned Job from the whirlwind Job 38:4-7:
God created the angels before he spoke the worlds into
existence. God is known throughout the Bible as the LORD OF HOSTS, Job
Satan, the greatest of God's angels, "sealed the
measure", of perfection and beauty of all creation. His nature reflected
the glory of God, and the word of God which spoke all creation into existence.
"for He (God) commanded and they were created".Ezekial 28:
Ezekial's prophecy is addressed to the "king of
the rock", an "anointed Cherub", who is described as traveling
"in the midst of the stones of fire" which literally translated
is "in the midst or among the eh-ben, 'built stones or rocks',of fire".
BUILT STONES? What are they that the greatest angel created
could travel up and down in their vastness? The answer is in the night
sky. There can be seen "God built ", stones reflecting the light
of the sun.. . the planets.
Before the creation of Adam, the civilizations of angels
existed on the terrestrial planets. Throughout scripture
there is a consistent reference to the first dwelling places of some of
the ancient sons of God. These angels created habitations on the Earth,
Mars, Astera, Venus...Ezekial 28:
When Satan and his angels rebelled, God destroyed their
literal dwelling places. According to scripture this destruction was swift
and decisive. The fifth terrestrial planet which God calls "Rahab"
(boaster, pride), was obliterated. Job 26:11-13:
Clearly, God wrought destruction on the heads of the
rebellious "sons", with power that cannot be imagined. Satan
is described as a snake trying to escape the judgment of God .It is symbolized
by the contellation Draconis, which winds itself between the big and little
dipper, which represented to the ancients, the flock of the good sheperd
and the stronghold of the saved.
God brought a fire out of Satan's midst, in the center
of his greatest planetary kingdom. The planet Rahab exploded sending planetesimal
and asteroid size pieces of itself into the orbits of the interior terrestrial
worlds. Asteroid impacts on the surface of mars rocked the planet, oceans
washed over its dry land. The martian atmosphere was blasted into space.
On earth virtually the same catastrophes took place. Our atmosphere was
not destroyed however, the earths greater gravitation was sufficient to
pull back portions of the sky ripped away by collisions with destroyed
Rahab . Jeremiah 4:23-2:
Jeramiah looked into the ages before Adam and described
the destruction of the earth. There were no men, (descendents of Adam),
yet there were cities which had been obliterated. Never in history, since
the creation of Adam, has man been completely destroyed from the earth,
we ourselves are descended from Adam. The inhabitants of these "cities"
were in fact the angelic host and their leader Satan, before the rebellion.
The exact words of Genesis 1:2 "and the earth
was (became) formless and void", are recorded in chapter 4 verse 26
of Jeremiah. The majority of Christian scholars believe Gen. 1:2 means
that the earth was created in an imperfect state. Genesis 1:1 lays the
reality of creation out clearly: In the beginning God created the heavens
and the earth. The next sentence, "and the earth was formless and
void", is in error in most English translations. It should read, "and
the earth became formless and void." The Hebrew word translated
"was formless" in English versions of the Bible is "toh-ho"
a verb which means, "to lay waste".
God does not create confusion out of nothing, He creates
order out of nothing. Satan on the other hand, corrupted what God had already
created in perfection. The truth of scripture is, "By His wisdom the
heavens were beautiful", then rebellion came and with it, corruption
and death. God's judgment and destruction of the earth before the creation
of Adam was of course, not a full end.
The Lord separated the waters from
the land, dispersed the clouds shrouding the earth and created the first
day. It is limited to assign all the universe to the measure of earthly
time... Only planets that revolve next to stars experience days and nights.Psalm
89:10 :
After Satan's kingdoms were devastated, many of the
rebellious angels were bound and held until the day God would gather them
for judgment on the earth. Other factions of the rebel angels continued
existing with the abilty to continue traveling in the atmosphere of the
earth, and amongst the terrestrial planets. The Book of Enoch, quoted by
Jude the brother of Jesus, and considered an important work by the early
Christian Church, describes a terrifying vision, Enoch 18:13 :
It may be merely coincidence, but outward from the sun,
there exist seven terrestrial bodies Mercury, Venus, Earth, the moon, Mars,
Phobos and Demios. These planets "roll over the fire" of the
sun in their orbits around it. It is perhaps strangest of all that the
present age has come into possession of knowledge that cannot be fit into
any previous "scientific" theory of life origins on this planet.