The events leading up to Armageddon were revealed to Daniel as taking
place in a prophetic time frame referred to by Christians as the Tribulation,
or Daniel's 70th Week. The book of Daniel contains a prophetic timeline
that is to be taken literally (8:26). The accuracy of the timeline derived
from Daniel's prophecies is proven by it's complete correspondance with
God's prophetic feast days.
Return to Biblical 360 day year
Although the modern Jewish calendar roughly parallels the 365 day solar year, the events of Daniel's final week of years, the tribulation, shall be fulfilled with 360 day Biblical years. "And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 yrs) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease: and on a corner of the alter desolating abominations even until the end." The seven year treaty of Daniel 9:27, signed between Israel and the Antichrist, allows that the temple be rebuilt. This will necessitate not only a revival of tradition with the temple sacrifice, but the reintroduction of the 360 day year in which to celebrate their feast days. The shortening of the length of years will fulfil the prophecy of Matthew 24:22, "those days will be shortened for the sake of the Elect." The reversion of the modern Jewish calendar to the ancient Biblical, is focal in the fulfillment of the end time events. Daniel 7:25 shows the Antichrists' power over the nations will last three and one-half years .Rev.13:5 &11:2 further describes this power over the nations as consisting of forty-two months of thirty days each, a total of 1260 days.
Date Setting: simple addition and
Since Daniel's 7 yr. treaty equals 2,520 days, the "midst"
of that period falls on day 1260. Daniel 12:11 further describes the tribulation
time line,
"And from the time the regular sacrifice shall be
taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, 1,290 days
shall occur."
This adds 30 days to the end of the seven years.
"How long is the vision, the regular sacrifice,
and the desolating transgression, to give both the sanctuary and the host
to be trampled?"
That is, what is the combined duration for both the regular sacrifice
and the period of desolation?
The answer, "For 2,300 evenings and mornings, (a
Jewish day begins at sundown, an evening and a morning are parts of one
day), then the sanctuary will be vindicated."
How long, then, is the regular sacrifice?
We know the length of the abomination of desolation, 1,290 days, and
that it will commence from exactly the mid-point of the 7 years. After
7 years, 30 days from the signing of the covenant the desolation ends,
so that has to be the point from which 2,300 days are counted backwards.
If the desolation period 1,290 days is subtracted from the combined length
of the sacrifice and the desolation, 2,300 days, there are 1,010 days from
start of sacrifice to its interruption. The period of temple sacrifice
lasts 1,010 days until the day when the Antichrist stops the daily sacrifice
and sets up the abomination, at the mid-point of the 7 year treaty, day
This leaves 250 days from the start of the treaty of
seven years, to the actual beginning of the daily sacrifice performed by
the Levite priests.
Why would there be 250 days between the treaty allowing
for the temple sacrifice, and the actual begining of the regular sacrifice?
There are exactly 250 days between the feast of
Passover, Nisan 14th, and the feast of Dedication (Chanukah), Chisleu 25th,
in a 360 day year.
Feast day typology points to Passover, Nisan 14, in the
first month of the religious year, as the likely date of a treaty reestablishing
temple sacrifice.
Even though the Passover treaty allows eventually for the regular
sacrifice to begin, The Levite priests cannot go up to the Temple Mount
until Tishri 10, the Day of Atonement, to perform the necessary cleansing
ceremonies according to Mosaic law.
It must be remembered that this area has been defiled since the fall
of Jerusalem in 70 AD. During the crusades the temple mount was actually
used for a garbage dump!
Even when the area is cleansed and properly prepared by the priests,
the daily sacrificing to God on the temple mount would not just begin on
any day. Such a momentous event as the first temple sacrifice in nearly
2,000 years in Israel would appropriately begin at the feast of Dedication
or Chanukah, just as Joseph Macabe did on that date the last time the temple
was rededicated. This feast day falls exactly 250 after Passover. One has
to marvel at Daniel's faithful writing of the prophecy he received, no
wonder he did not understand the time line, the feast of Chanukah did not
even exist in his day!
If the covenant of the Antichrist begins on Passover
in the first month of the Jewish religious year, then according to Daniel,
1260 days later, 3 and 1/2 years in the "midst" of the 7 year
treaty, it would be broken on the feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 15th), in
the first month of the Jewish civil year.
Daniel 12:11 "Even the time the regular sacrifice
shall be taken away,
and the abomination that makes desolate set up,
a thousand two hundred and ninety days shall occur.
Blessed is he who waits
and comes to the thousand three hundred and thirty five days."
After the abomination of desolation is set up at
the mid-point of the treaty, the prophecy of Daniel says that the vindication
of the temple does not occur until 1290 days later. Then Daniel is told
to wait to be blessed on a day 1335 days after the mid-point of the treaty.
This adds an additional 45 days onto the end of the 7 years
+ 30 days .
If the religious year and the civil year are superimposed so
that Passover in April, and the Day of Atonement start together, there
are 75 days counted from the actual end of the 7 year treaty. Significantly,
75 days is the same amount of time between God's feast day of Atonement,
when the high priest goes into the Holy of Holies, and the feast of Dedication,
or Chanukah.
Seven years after the covenant of the Antichrist begins, 2520 days
after the signing, it is once again Passover. Prophecy tells us Jesus will
return on that day, at the end of the battle of Armageddon (Zach 14:4),
at the mount of Olives.
The Restoration of all Things
If the covenant of the Antichrist begins
on Passover in the first month of the Jewish religious year, then 1,260
days later in the "midst" of the treaty, it would be broken on
the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles (Tishri 14th), in the first month of
the Jewish civil year.
Typically, the number six represents the imperfection of man. The fact
that the religious and civil years of Israel are separated by this number
of months demonstrates, symbolically, the present sinful state of the world
separated from God. When the prophecy of Rev 21:3 is fulfilled, "Behold,
the tabernacle of God is with men", this division will end. The world's
civil and religious rulership will be united by Jesus as He rules the nations
from Jerusalem in the millennium with a rod of iron.
The 75 days after Armageddon demonstrates the restoration of all things.
Where before the Jewish calendar was divided and the religious new year
was separated from the civil new year by six months, God will at last fulfill
the feast days and bring the religious new year and the civil year together.
This combination time line of the Religious year and the Civil year is
shown below.
The prophet Joel explains that God will one day bring the former and
later rains together.
The former rains fall at the start of the religious year in Nisan and the later rains at the start of the civil year in Tishri. At the end of the tribulation, God will restore the years and the rains by bringing them together. By returning and destroying the forces of the Antichrist at Armageddon, Jesus will have made "atonement for iniquity (Daniel 9:24)" and fulfilled the prophetic feast day of Atonement. Significantly, this is the only day of the year the high priest may enter the Holy of Holies (Lev. 23: 26 ). Jesus is the high priest. The 75 days after Armageddon demonstrates the restoration of all things.