Trouble in the Mid East
As things heat up in the Mid East, it seems as if Bible prophecy is coming true in this generation. Throughout our webpages, Watcher discusses why we feel the Tribulation is going to occur soon, pointing out that 1997 seems to be the most likely date . There is reason to believe that the War of Gog and Magog (Ez. 38) will happen close to the date that the treaty is signed -- directly before the Tribulation, or directly after the Tribulation starts. The treaty will allow the temple to be rebuilt, and the worship to resume on the temple mount.
Netanyahu To Build David's Fallen Temple? 6/20/96
October update on Israel, and info on the tunnel.
BBC Summary of World Broadcasts
September 19, 1996, Thursday
"Official, papers, USA differ over threat posed by Syrian troop movement"
(Source: 'Ha'aretz', Tel Aviv, in Hebrew 18 Sep 96)
Assessments presented to the political echelon said that
this summer the Syrian army completed its four-year effort to
build its force into "offensive readiness" . The Syrians want
to build a force capable of carrying out a limited war without
assistance from expeditionary forces from other states. In
the past, Israel assessed that the Syrian army is defensively
deployed and can carry out an offensive strike only with the
assistance of Iraqi forces or simultaneously with an offensive
by another country against Israel, as has happened in the
The Syrians have in recent years received hundreds of new
tanks and self-propelled guns to bolster their mobile ground
forces. A few months ago, the Syrians also stopped releasing
soldiers from the regular army, thereby expanding the standing
army and enabling them to man additional units. Similar steps
were taken by the Syrian and Egyptian armies prior to the Yom
Kippur War.
Israel is also following the Egyptian army's major
manoeuvre, Badr 96, which is practicing the night crossing of
the Suez Canal by large forces. The Egyptians have held
similar exercises in recent years, but the current one is much
larger, and this is the first time the crossing of the canal
has been made public. The codename for the exercise is the
same as the Yom Kippur War operation (against Israel in 1973)
- it is named after the Islamic battle where Muhammad beat the
Jewish Kuraysh tribe.
The recent war preparations by Syria and Egypt have been matched
by war preparations by Iran and Iraq. First off, Iran either already
engaged in or is about to engage in a major war exercise codenamed the
"Road To Jerusalem":
Excerpt From Jack Van Impe's Intelligence Briefing
Israelis were not pleased to note that Iran has codenamed
its next major war games Tariq al-Quds -- or Road to
The Revolutionary Guards have begun selecting 150,000 men
from the 500,000 guards and volunteer forces to take part in
the exercises.
Many Israelis see Iran as the ultimate threat to their
national security. Students of Bible prophecy know that Iran
(Persia) is clearly identified as one of the nations that
joins Russia in an invasion of the Jewish state shortly before
the return of Jesus Christ. (Ezekiel 38:5, 6)
Likewise, the other major Persian power, Iraq, is also preparing
the stage to unleash a war against "World Zionism". By attacking the
U.N.-protected Kurdish North of Iraq and going against the "No-Fly"
Zones established in Northern and Southern Iraq, Saddam Hussein has
picked a new fight with the West. Thus far, in response the U.S. has
fired more than forty missiles against Iraqi military targets and
reinforced American forces in the Persian Gulf region. Any further
provocations by Iraq, however, will likely result in a
"disproportionate" American military response. Such U.S. military
action against Iraq, or possibly the action that has already occurred,
creates an ideal excuse for Saddam to order seemingly radical military
retaliation against the West in the form of a chemical SCUD attack
against Israel- an event I've already forseen (see "The Truth" at-
An Iraqi chemical attack on Israel might, in turn, act as the
trigger for a jihad, or holy war, against the Jewish State that
clearly the Palestinians, Syria, Egypt and Iran are preparing for by
way of recent rioting in the Occupied Territories and aggressive troop
movements and war exercises directed against Israel. In other words,
all the actions of the Arabs in recent weeks are likely premeditated
efforts to wage a new war against Israel.
During the last Arab/Israeli War in 1973, Israel came close to
being overrun, but, after Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons to
defend itself, the U.S. stepped in and supported the Jewish State with
an airlift of critical armaments.
This time around, however, the odds are that Washington won't be
able to backup Israel because, thanks to the underhanded efforts of
Moscow, U.S. forces may soon be drawn into a major war in East Asia.
More resources and theories regarding Russia, Muslims, and Israel.
Theories regarding Ez. 38, and some helpful links.
Check out the "Nearing Midnight" section of The Rapture Index.