sphinx Giza Cairo Mars ufos Hoagland conspiracy Cydonia Bible prophecy ufo Mars alien Satan ufos Israel Ufo alien Jerusalem temple Mars extraterrestrial Ufo prophecy ufos antichrist conspiracy Bible Ufo angels Ufo aliens angels sphinx ufos Giza Cairo Mars conspiracy Hoagland Cydonia Bible prophecy ufo Mars alien Israel Antichrist Ufo angels Ufo alien Jerusalem temple extraterrestrial Ufo Israel Bible prophecy ufo conspiracy


Pyramids of Mars and Egypt

For more on the Martian Sphinx and its Egyptian counterpart,
bookmark our webpages:
Cherubim, Sphinx and Mars
Cydonia Monuments and the Stones of Fire

Pyramid of Giza Timeline

The Descending Passage of the Great Pyramid is perfectly aligned with the center of the zenith of the heavens. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, a Pole Star shines precisely down the Descending Passage only once every several thousand years. In 2170 B.C. Alpha Draconis, (Thuban, the Subtle One) shown directly down the Descending Passage.

Each year the North Star shines further down the Descending Passage. It will illuminate the entrance to the Well Shaft, tellingly referred to as the Point of Last Escape, in 1997. The North Star will shine on the floor of the Subterranean Passage seven years later in 2004. Our website deals with the events which will occur during this 7 year period of time. It is significant that the Great Pyramid, as well as other sources like Nostradamus, Remote Viewers, omens such as comet Hale-Bopp, planetary alignments, eclipses, and even paranormal phenomena, crop circles, and ufos pin point 1997 as a SIGNIFICANT year.

The events to come in 1997 will focus the world's attention on Israel. In light of the public announcement of evidence of extraterrestrial life in our solar system, it is interesting that the Pyramid of Giza points not only to the year of Israel's symbolic Jubilee in 1997, but also correlates with the mysterious monuments on Mars. It is highly significant that UFOs are being sighted more and more frequently in the Holy Land. It would seem that as 1997 approaches, Israel prepares for their anniversary, the rebuilding of their Temple seems imminent, and extraterrestrials are taking extreme interest. Please read the rest of our website for the reason why "aliens" would be concerned with Israel.

Martian Monuments

Since previous pages established that pre-fall civilizations of cherubim, headed by Satan, lived on the "stones of fire", the planets, it isn't surprising to see the representation of a cherub on Mars. The androgynous Cydonia face has a stylized leonine headdress, and computer enhanced photos of the face show that the darkened side seems to be that of a lion, according to Richard Hoagland. This points to the message in the Zodiac of Christ's first advent, Virgo, and second coming to establish the Millennial Kingdom, Leo. This was shown to be significant in that the angelic civilization designed the monuments on Mars to reflect the glory of God. After the rebellion of the third of the heavenly host, Satan perverted the meaning behind monuments like those on Mars, and in Egypt, to fit his plan to escape God's judgment.

The Cydonia region on Mars is receiving a lot of attention because of the unnatural formation, or structure, resembling a sphinx-like face. In addition to this anomoly on Mars, there appears to be a five sided pyramid nearly two miles wide arranged exactly 1/360th of the martian polar diameter from the face. Not only does the D & M Pyramid on Cydonia point towards the face, but what looks to be a city complex is so oriented that all three structures form a perfect equilateral triangle.

When Richard Hoagland calculated the orientation of the face on Mars with the city complex, he found that it was at one time set up to correspond with the solstice. On the morning of the Martian summer solstice, at some time in the very remote past, the EARTH would rise first out of the mouth of the "sphinx" followed by the sun.

This celestial event would have been viewed by the pre-rebellion angelic city on Mars.

The Martian sphinx face is a symbolic representation of Jesus , The Word made flesh...The Word of God Who spoke the universe into creation (John 1). The Martian Sphinx and the rising of the Earth symbolized the Word, Jesus, manifesting in the flesh on Earth, redeeming the Earth by His death and resurrection.


In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (Hebrew "Matstsebah" correctly translated means monument) at the border thereof to the Lord.
And it shall be for a sign, and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. Isaiah 19:19

(from: The Great Pyramid Decoded by E. Raymond Capt) The southern extremity, being the northernmost edge of the Giza plateau wehre the Great Pyramid stands looking over the fan-shaped sector of Egypt, was in ancient times at the boundary where the cultivated land touched the desert. This plateau was called Giza, which is the Arabic word for edge or border. It was this unusual location that first suggested the Great Pyramid was the monument spoken of in the Scriptures by Isaiah the prophet:
Since the full official name of the Pyramid, the Great Pyramid of Giza, means, in English, the Great Pyramid of the Border, the answer to the apparently contradictory definition of Isaiah is found in the Great Pyramid. The only spot on the face of the earth that completely answers this description, both geometrically and geographically, is the precise place where the Great Pyramid actually stands.

Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3: They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned witht he heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's predictrion that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at anothere time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.

Please view our website for the truth behind the
"alien" deception, and the END OF THE AGE.

The Sphinx and Satan linked!
Cherubim, Mars, and the Zodiac

Mars and Satan linked!
The Planets and Satan's Hidden History

Mars and the Sphinx linked!
Cydonia & "the stones of fire"

UFOs and Antichrist Linked!
The Angelic Conspiracy and End Time Deception

The treaty with Antichrist and start of the Tribulation?
Israel's Feast Days and Tribulation Date Setting

Chronology of End Time Events
Daniel's 70th Week Time line

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angel cherubim Satan tribulation Jerusalem prophecy Bible angels Satan Ufo aliens angels Jerusalem Satan Ufo Mars Cydonia Bible prophecy tribulation Satan Ufo alien crop circles Ufo prophecy Jerusalem crop circles Satan angels Ufo Satan Antichrist alien extraterrestrial Ufo Bible prophecy Mars tribulation Cydonia prophecy Israel temple Bible angels Satan Ufo aliens angels Satan Ufo Mars angel cherubim Satan tribulation Bible prophecy angel Mars Antichrist Ufo prophecy Cydonia crop circles Satan angels Ufo Jerusalem temple Satan Antichrist alien extraterrestrial Ufo prophecy Mars Cydonia Bible Ufo angels Satan Ufo aliens angels Satan Ufo Mars Cydonia Bible Jerusalem prophecy tribulation Satan Ufo alien crop circles Ufo prophecy angel Mars Antichrist Ufo prophecy Cydonia crop circles Satan angels Ufo Satan Antichrist alien extraterrestrial Ufo prophecy Mars