Watcher likes to frequent such information-packed websites as UFO Folklore. On a recent visit to this site, Watcher viewed a webpage called "The Aviary" which actually gives a DATE for "alien revelation" in 1997. This date corresponds perfectly with the timeline derived from Bible prophecy, and confirms Watcher's theory that UFOs are going to help the Antichrist set up a global government during the Tribulation. Adherents to views such as those expressed in "The Aviary" are setting up Christians to be officially censored (or worse) and convincing the rest of the Earth that aliens can be trusted--that extraterrestrials are anything BUT fallen angels in genetically engineered disguises.
A religious commentary about R. Boylan's article "The Aviary ", (mirror at UFO Folklore.)
Dan writes:Well Folks, What good would UFO Folklore be without at least one religious interpretation. I received a religious view on "The Aviary" article by R. Boylan. It is listed below. After the article are some responses by alleged individuals in "the know" as well as comments from the author of "The Aviary", R. Boylan. The Aviary article is listed further down the list here at Current News. . . Dan
David writes:
(These quotes are) from your website, thanks for posting it! I can't believe I never heard this before today...
"The red Book is a human compendium of information derived from the extraterrestrials. One of the predictions is that there will be a very large rift in human society as a result of ET contact becoming publicly known. This is supposed to happen in 1997. Another reported prediction is that the ETs will return in a formal preplanned landing on April 24, 1997 on public land in the Southwest USA, probably in the vicinity of White Sands "Missile" Range, New Mexico."
This would fit in perfectly with what our website says about the Tribulation 7 years starting next April 1997--when the Antichrist arranges a peace treaty for Israel to start rebuilding the temple and sacrificing on the temple mount! You are all ready familiar with my theory based on Bible prophecy that the Antichrist will receive his power and support from the "aliens", who are really fallen angels in genetically engineered bodies (compare Genesis 6, and "alien abductions")--this is talked about at The Angelic Conspiracy for the rundown on the names of Baal, Satan, Prince of the Powers of the Air, authority over UFOs.
"The red and Yellow Books are also supposed to contain the prediction that there is one "Horseman of the Apocalypse" left to arrive. (The other three, War, Famine and Pestilence have inarguably already arrived on Earth.) The remaining Horseman is the White Rider wearing the Crown, which is interpreted to mean the Second Coming."
The Antichrist is under the heading of "war" in Revelation. This fellow must have meant to say "Strife, Famine and Pestilence are already here," and now comes the White Rider wearing the Crown, who is not Christ but SEEMS like him, he is the Antichrist. Satan WANTS everyone to think it is the Second Coming, but Jesus does not come until after the 7 year Tribulation "Immediately after the tribulation of those days..." (Matthew 24:29)
If aliens do come in 1997, it will be just as the Bible predicted, since they will give their support to antichrist WHO WILL SEEM LIKE THE MESSIAH! He will be the rider on the white horse, seeming like Christ, but he "is given" a crown, he does not have one. He is allowed to conquer, and he has a bow but no arrows, because he conquers by peace...this is what is said of the Antichrist. Jesus is never referred to as being "allowed" to do things... He is God. Only created beings like the Antichrist, and even Satan himself need permission from God to do things. God allows the Antichrist to come on the white horse, seeming like the Prince of Peace, with a bow but no arrows, no weapons. The rider of the white horse in Revelation cannot be Christ-- Christ will return as a lion, not bringing peace but judgment.
Oops, there I go again, preaching. Sorry. I just wanted to point out that this blows me away if it is legit, since it fits in perfectly to when the Antichrist will come to power and be hailed as a peacemaking hero in Israel and the Mideast, and will get supernatural support from the "aliens". Why 1997 for the Tribulation?
" This raises profound questions and concerns within the Aviary. Does this mean that a formal ET landing in 1997 signifies, or is, the Second Coming of the Christ? Will the ETs be bearing an ET with Christ Consciousness? Will fundamentalist Christians be against the ETs as supposed threats to Christ's supremacy? Et cetera."
(Many Christians have known this would be the argument against the truth of the Bible.)
Of course the ET landing will SEEM like a coming of Saviours, benign "aliens" come to bring peace and wisdom and guide us through the paradigm shift. They will give their support to the World Leader, the White Rider, the peace-making Antichrist who seems like Christ, or a man who has achieved the "Christ Consciousness" that so many New Agers are trying to attain.
Wouldn't this "alien" landing bringing a message of peace, (and warning about "negative" entities) fit right in to the message of peace and Globalism of the psuedo-Christ? It is so telling that the "aliens" have all ready scheduled a mass revelation for the same time that they know their puppet the Antichrist is going to be making his major move for global unity and Mideast peace.
"The Aviary are quite concerned that fundamentalist Christians will experience spiritual, if not ontological, shock at the revelation of ET visitation, and over the reported contents of the red and Yellow Books, which contain information that suggests that Jesus had some connection with the extraterrestrials."
(We have been expecting this supposed connection to be widely accepted as fact since at least "ET The Extraterrestrial", if not "Star Wars".)
Christians should know who the ETs is in the Bible. We were already warned that Satan himself will be allowed to deceive the whole Earth, and even if it were possible, the Elect. That must be some strong delusion coming upon the Earth...and it is coming. What better way to steer Christians away from Jesus than to say the "aliens" taught Jesus how to have "Christ consciousness", and now they can teach the whole world how to be like gods? This is such a dead giveaway of who they are...Satan himself desires to be like the Most High, as God , and, more obviously, the deception that Satan tempted Eve in GEnesis with was "you shall be as gods"...
The rebel angels in disguise as "aliens" are still offering this temptation to "be as gods" to humans, and they are still being taken up on the offer.
" It is reported that the predicted extraterrestrial landing on Thursday, April 24, 1997 is a precursor to a 1998 series of cataclysms. Furthermore, the 1997 Landing is the last chance for The Powers That Be (human governments) to allow their populations to know about extraterrestrial visitation; otherwise, the ETs will not be able to assist humankind in mitigating and surviving the 1998 cataclysm series."
Okay, we must welcome the ETs, and accept their authority so that they can HELP us, it is for our own good of course. Doesnt' this sound like a perfect way to get a Global Government set up?
By the way, the Bible says that cataclysm will indeed happen, and there isn't anything ETs or humans can do to stop it. If the Bible says it will happen, it will. Surely "aliens" can read, and if they have superiior wisdom they must be able to tell when the Bible says cataclysmic events are going to happen. If the Tribulation starts in 1997, anyone can "predict" that cataclysms are going to come shortly.
"Massive human and planetary destruction is the default course of events; unless we (our governments) invite the ETs to appear openly on Earth, the ETs will not be able to prevent/mitigate the 1998 cataclysm series. The ETs want to be invited in a peaceful way. They are not going to impose themselves on us forcibly."
This is not the "default" of not acting...this is what actually will happen according to Bible prophecy. This BT person gives themself away as anything but a "religious Christian" if he thinks anything mankind can do will stop God from keeping His promises.
Also, doesn't this "want to be invited in a peaceful way" thing sound just like the message of the Raelian UFO Cult, who want to build an embassy to welcome the "aliens" in Jerusalem, of all places? Strange,,, (link to Rael at Paradigm Links)
Thanks for the tidbit about 1997, and please don't hesitate to update me when you post such a great, if disinformative, page like the Aviary.
Here are two comments already received by UFO Folklore on this theory:
Dan; Like a lot of other stuff there is true/false to this. From a Ret AF Col in Dayton: Yellow book mentions that there was a "HELPER" PLACED HERE 2000 years ago. From what we know it has got nothing to do with Christ. The Aliens don't believe in our Christ because they ask themselves why "HUMANS" have a savior and not us ? But, they do believe in ONE God.
(watcher says "Dead Giveaway!")
Well, one Gov contact places a lot of truth in that Scenario. Lets see what happens: From my limited experience these ETs are neither all good or bad: But, if you read a lot of Abduction books some of the ETs seem to come off as Gods. The higher the level of disclosure the more the questions there will be putting a lot of pressure on people to do more thinking and take responsibity for themselves: Its not all the fundamentalist creating this agenda. I think they have very little to do with it except to say the "Aliens" are devils or supporting an Anti- Christ. The rest sounds pretty OK from what I know....Bob
And from the author of the aviary
to Dan G.; I was afraid that certain fundamentalists would see those reports and give them that spin. Oh, well, they are shaped by the forces emanating from their pulpit.
Richard Boylan, Ph.d.
Isn't it just a little bit strange that UFOs and "aliens" would single out Israel, of all places on the Earth? Look at Israel on the map. It is a tiny nation... yet the paranormal manifests as much within Israel's borders as within the whole of Russia. This is not surprising if one knows who is the authority behind UFOs. Nor is it surprising that Christians are being catagorized by popular culture as narrow-minded fanatics unworthy to take place in the Planetary Transformation...the evolutionary leap know as the Paradigm Shift. Please view our website for the truth behind the "alien" deception, and the END OF THE AGE.