Dear Hillhouse:
Let me begin this letter by thanking you for providing a nescesary and long overdue service. As the millenium draws to it's inevitable close I have noted that the usual centenial cycle of demonic activity has been amplified tenfold. There are still several years until the turn
of the century and already I have witnessed several unmistkable manifestations. This morning for instance I noticed that when I
turned on the radio at my desk it had somehow gotten tuned to an easy listening station. It is common knowledge that the song "Mandy" by Barry Manilow is the Devil's anthem and you can imagine my shock and horror as I heard it coming from my own (until then unsullied) radio. In addition, I have noticed that Rush Limbaugh is rising in popularity- coincidence???
I think not.
Rhias K. Hall
Dear Hillhouse:
As a psychick of sorts I saw a glow around your web page with a high school on a hill eminating from the aura. It was named after Richard Hillhouse Nixon but was later torn down as he was. The new building is obviously a new haven for excentric writers who must have gathered there after hours, unknown to the administration.
Dear Hillhouse:
I was, early last night, just after 'dinner', browsing on my computer and I happened to run acrossed your page on the WWW (That's World Wide Web incase you don't know). I must say I was rather impressed with the entertainment value of you page. It was meant for entertainment right? I think you should hope so. You seem to have a desription for nearly every ailment that a mortal may have, except one. That is the predicament a MORTAL gets himself in when he offends one of the 'higher blood'. Do you really think, sir, that if you ever came face to face with a real bloodletter that you would even find the courage to avoid defecating on yourself. I think not. Your name is now known in my society and it will be forever (that is in relativity to your life span) notorious to those who hold honor in their above mortal status.
I should hope that you would post a disclaimer and or apology to anyone that you may have scared with your alleging the exsistance of people like me. We here in the ground do not take kindly to pimples of exsistance such as yourself attempting to break the veil of stealth that we have upheld for longer than anyone of your kind has been able to keep one single civilization in momentum. Consider yourself a hunted man.
Sincerely Yours:
Wandering Waldo the BloodSucker
Dear Hillhouse:
You're misguided and misconseptions about were creatures is WAY WAY WAY out of line and just absolutely sick. If you want to see what we are really like, go to:
Dear Hillhouse:
I am victim of unauthorized automatic writing. Last night, I was minding my own business, penning a pleasant thank you note to one of my gracious friends, when suddenly my Parker got possessed. It suddenly scrawled out the most hateful things on my lovely stationery. After it was done, I had to add a PS to the note telling mstuff written in the ancient cursive script. (I would have rewritten the note but that was my last piece of this stunning stationery.) I'm afraid to write anything now. I don't even want to make out my grocery list today for fear my quill will start scribbling "eye of newt" or something that Safeway won't carry anyway. Can you you help me?
If you have something interesting to tell us, please Call Hillhouse today.