Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.

Paranormal Detective Agency

A subsidiary of Hillhouse International

Offering Advice & Action Since 1992

We Kill Ghosts!

DISCLAIMER: This web site is just a joke whose only intent is to bring a shining beacon of humor to an otherwise grim subject. The authors are cynical, skeptical and secretly laugh at all things paranormal. We do not endorse paranormal research in any way, shape or form. If you still want to send us cool stuff to put on the letters page, that's great, but please don't write to ask us to rid your home of those pesky maniacle spirits or to help you find your lost horses. Thank you, the management.

We, the members of Hillhouse Investigations, Inc., have a mission: to provide you, the man or woman on the street with a dependable variety of solutions to your paranormal difficulties. If you have ever lost sleep because of those unexplainable "bumps" in the night, or if a relative or loved one has ever lingered just a bit too long after their own funeral, we can help.

We offer investigation in the classic sense of the term - empirical data gathering, research and interrogation and, when necessary, two-fisted action - combined with a strictly unclassical point-of-view. In other words, if you believe, then we believe. And we are prepared to back that belief up with our in-your-face investigative skills to solve your problems!!!

With many years of academic study of paranormal issues (everything from crop-circles to evil clowns) and three years of qualified field work to recommend us, we offer our dedicated services to one and all! No matter what your circumstances may be!

So write to us at Hillhouse, for sincere & discreet solutions.

Our Services:

At Hillhouse Investigations, Inc. we specialize in all of the different aspects of psychic and paranormal phenomena listed below. For detailed information on each of our areas of specialty, simply click on the appropriate text or graphic. Remember this is but a sampling of the more common paranormal problems we have been asked to solve. So please, if your particular difficulty doesn't appear on the list, don't be afraid to write to us at dunstan@ic.net. We will be more than happy to provide you with more information.

Warning: The following pages contain subject matter which may be considered disturbing, traumatic and malevolent. Therefore, we encourage people of all ages to view our pages often, especially children, so that they will understand what the world is really like.

Aura Imbalance
Bigfoot / Sasquatch / Yeti
Cattle Mutilations
Crop Circles
Demonic Possession
ESP, Precognition, Postcognition, etc.
Evil Clowns
Hypnosis / Hypnotic Regression (Reincarnation)
Killers of the Deep - (Loch Ness Monster, etc.)
Lycanthropes (Werewolves, etc.)
Out-of-Body Experiences
Psychic Attack / Astral Invasion
Psychic Photography
Psychic Surgery
Satanic Babies
UFO/ Extraterrestrial Sighting and Abduction


Hillhouse Investigations is dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to all living things. Because of this, all of our psychic predictions are accomplished through the use of Official Hillhouse Mystic Crystals rather than through the reading of animal entrails. Because of our resolution to preserve the sanctity of animal life, as well as the sanitary conditions of our laboratory, we have been certified by PETA as "animal friendly." Our Vow: When Hillhouse solves a Psychic Crime, none of our furry brethren shall come to harm!*

Hillhouse Investigations, Inc. is YOUR link to the paranormal. By working with our highly trained, Certified Psychic Technicians (CPTs) you can be sure that your difficulties will be sincerely and discreetly eliminated.

Hillhouse also guarantees a 0% Residual Paranormal Aftereffect (RPA). Once we kill a ghost, it stays killed! No other company can make this offer! So write to us here for more information.

Remember: If you believe, then we believe!

On July 7, 1996 we added the Official Hillhouse Letters Page to this website. Please visit out Letters Page to see what our readers have had to say about our services.


PygmyCorp Global Homepage - Special Emphasis on Robot Overlords - MUST SEE

Page last revised on 7/7/96

* NOTE: All lycanthropes exempt from Hillhouse environmental policy.


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