Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.
Lycanthropy Page
Werewolves/Werebears/Werebadgers etc.

The following is the real-life testimony of a Hillhouse client:

In the summer of 1978 I was visiting my Uncle and Aunt in upstate Montana. I brought along my fiancee, Judy. Uncle Howard and Aunt Ellen had raised me from a boy, after my parents were killed in a car accident and I was bringing Judy there to meet them for the first time and to tell them that we were getting married. Judy and I drove up from where we were living together in Boulder, Colorado. After two days of driving we arrived at the ranch in the evening. They were very happy to see us. Aunt Ellen, made us all dinner and we had a nice time catching up on old times.

After dinner, my Uncle suggested we all go for a walk up the mountain trail that led from his home to an old cabin only a mile or so up the trail. The view was incredible from the cabin and you could see for hundreds of miles. I used to play there a lot when I was a boy and I was looking forward to showing it to Judy. When we started walking it was still pretty early in the evening and we know we'd have plenty of time to get back before it got dark.

It was a steep walk, up that trail, but everybody enjoyed themselves and before we knew it, we'd gotten to the cabin. There was still an old picnic table out front and we all sat down, tired from the hike. My Aunt unpacked a batch of cookies that she had brought along without telling anyone. We had a nice time, sitting there talking and eating cookies. After a while, my Uncle began telling Judy some of his stories from when he was in the War. My Aunt and I had heard them all a hundred times, but Judy hadn't, and listening with her was like hearing them all for the first time.

We lost track of time, though, and didn't notice that it was getting dark until the sun was almost down. We decided we'd better get back to the house. Before we went, though, my Aunt Ellen said she needed to make a pit stop and walked out of sight, behind the old cabin. Judy joined her. I remember thinking how it was funny that women always go to the bathroom together. I said that out loud and my Uncle laughed.

It wasn't funny for long though. After only a minute or so we heard one of the women scream. Then both of them were screaming together. My Uncle and I looked at each other and ran off behind the cabin where the women were.

I'll never forget what we found there. My Aunt Ellen was lying on the ground, bleeding from a horrible wound that looked like was as big has her entire stomach. Judy was a few feet away, pinned up against a tree by the biggest badger I'd ever seen. The beast had its back to me and it stood on its back legs, pushing Judy up against the tree with one foreleg and slashing at her with the other. On its hind legs it stood a little taller than me and obviously weighed a lot more. I could see Judy's face as she looked at me over its shoulder and screamed as the monster slashed again and again at her torso.

When I was a boy, my Uncle always told me to never go into the mountains unarmed. Since then I had forgotten that rule, but I thank God that he hadn't. He pulled his .38 revolver from his side and fired into the badgers back, yelling all the while in an attempt to distract the beast from what it was doing to poor Judy.

It worked, but not the way my Uncle hoped. The badger dropped to all fours and turned to face him, roaring. My Uncle fired all six shots into the beast's head and chest, but it only seemed to make it more angry. The animal charged and pushed him to the ground, tearing his throat out as easy as you or I would cut a sausage with the edge of a fork.

I knew then that it was too late, but I had to do something. I ran forward and jumped on the back of the animal, trying desperately to pull it away from my uncle. I wrapped my arms around its neck and pulled it back onto its hind legs. I tried to choke it, but in the struggle I lost my balance and fell backwards, with the giant badger on top of me. I felt the air rush out of my lungs and I couldn't breath. The beast rolled over, off of me and got to its feet. I knew there was no hope. I looked over at it and saw it coming slowly towards me.

Then it did a strange thing. It stopped and looked down at me from above, straight in its eyes. The strange thing was, that it wasn't like when you look your dog or cat in the eye. When you do that you can tell that they're just dumb animals. Dogs and cats eyes look blank and vacant. This badger, though, when it looked me in the eye, it focused on me. I could tell that, behind those eyes, was no dumb animal, but a thinking, rational creature. I felt a powerful chill run down my spine. For a long minute we stared at each other like that, until I couldn't take it any more. I closed my eyes and waited. For how long I don't know. It could have been a minute, it could have been an hour, but when I opened my eyes the monster was gone. I was left alone with the bodies of the people I loved most in the world. I checked all of them, my Uncle, my Aunt, Judy, but they were all dead.

After that there was nothing to do except hike back down to my uncles house and call the police. They came, and cleaned up the bodies, but they decided that the attacker must have been an aggressive bear. They just wouldn't listen to me when I told them that a six-foot long 250 pound badger killed my family and fiancee. They said it had been too dark for me to tell, but I knew the truth. It hadn't been that dark yet. I knew the truth.

That's when I called Hillhouse Investigations. With their help I came to understand what had happened on that mountain. Their Certified Psychic Technicians told me all about Lycanthropy, were-creatures, people who were cursed with the ability to metamorphose into dangerous animals: wolves, bears, badgers. But that's not all Hillhouse Investigations did for me. They brought me back to that mountain, this time accompanied by five of their Psychic Technicians and six pack mules carrying an incredible assortment of Paranormal Hunting Implements. Once there, they taught me how to track and hunt the creature we were looking for. We traced its residual psychic energy from the cabin where it killed the people I loved. We followed it on foot for three days, up the mountain and down the other side. We followed the trail all the way to the little town of Butt, Montana where we found the evil creature in its human form: an elderly furniture store proprietor. We lay a trap for him after closing one night. When he left his store for the evening we sprang upon him. We blasted him with our Aura Disrupters; we severed his spine with our hunting knives; we shot him repeatedly through the heart with pure silver bullets. When the deed was done; when that terrible beast in the guise of a simple working man lay dead at my feet, I felt truly vindicated.

Without Hillhouse Investigations, I would have gone for the rest of my life knowing that I had done nothing to avenge the death of my loved ones. Now, though, I can once again hold my head high and I know that Judy can rest in peace. So take my word for it: If you've got a problem you can't solve on your own, if your friends want nothing to do with you and if the police tell you you're insane, call Hillhouse. They helped me, they can help you!

Call Hillhouse today!
Remember, if you believe, then we believe!

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