Drake Equation Terms:  ne Drake Equation Terms:
The Number of Earth-like Planets
per Planetary System

The Number of Earth-like Planets per Planetary System

What Makes a Planet "Earth-like"?

Ecoshells - Life Zones

Planet Size and Composition

Searching for Earth-like Planets

FRESIP - FRequency of Earth Sized Inner Planets
A proposed Discovery class mission using photometry to detect the transit of an Earth-sized planet in front of its star.

Project Darwin.
A proposed European Space Agency space-based infrared interferometer that would detect Earth-like planets around nearby stars and then search for a spectroscopic signature of life, e.g., ozone in the atmosphere.

ExNPS - Exploration of Neighboring Planetary Systems.
A NASA space-based interferometer program that will search nearby stars for earth-like planets.

Updated: 25 April 1996

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