Moon Anomalies from Clementine

This montage is processed from raw data from Clementine mission. Image Meta Data is available for the raw image LUB10112.GIF, which is at the approximate center of the crater Gassendi.

This montage of Clementine images from orbit 314 shows what appears to be a moon base and mining operation. This raw images were posted to a Navy WWW page, which was later removed from the Internet. Some of these images are online on NASA's Clementine Navigator.

Processed version of LUB21349.GIF showing unusual domes

Processed image of Messiera Crater showing many anomalies

Crater with strange cross-shape on the edge

Unusual check-mark shaped ridge and surrounding area

Processed version of LUB20658.GIF showing anomalous road or depression on the side of Copernicus Crater

A closer view of the Copernicus Crater

Another view from directly above

Ancient freeway, tunnel structure, or a double fault line?

Another unusual area showing bright spots and domes

Clementine mosaic showing a large dark area (opening?) at the south pole of the moon

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Steve Wingate <>
Last Updated: 11:00 PM on 7/7/96