See user account.
active window
The only window that recognizes input (activity) from the keyboard and mouse; only one window is active at a time. Make a window active by placing the cursor within its boundaries.
The person who can use the most privileged account, root. This person must have a personal user account for daily use. When there are serious system problems to correct, the person logs in to the root account to change system information using the graphical tools or using the IRIX shell. The Administrator has all the capabilities of a Privileged User, plus the capability to change information in the root account (such as the password) and to log in to an IRIX shell as root. Because there is only one root account, there is only one Administrator per system. The Information Panel for a particular system includes the name of the system's Administrator so other users know whom to contact for help.
back up
To copy a certain set of files and directories from your hard disk to a tape or other storage media.
backup tape
A tape that contains a copy of a set of files and directories that are on your hard disk. A full backup tape contains a copy of all files and directories, including IRIX, that are on your hard disk.
CD-ROM disk (CD)
A flat metallic disk that contains information that you can view and copy onto your own hard disk; you cannot change or add to its information. CD-ROM is short for compact-disk: read-only memory.
To press the left mouse button to bring up a menu, move the cursor to highlight the command that you want to run, then release the button.
command line option
Options that let you specify how you want to run an IRIX command. See the reference page (man page) for a command for a list of the available command line options.
The window that appears as a stowed icon each time you log in; IRIX reports status and error messages to this window.
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the chip that processes data. Depending on the type and version of a CPU, the system will run at different speeds.
A magnetic tape from which you can read and to which you can copy audio and digital information.
default printer
The printer to which the system directs a print request if you do not specify a printer when you make the request. You set the default printer using the Print Manager.
A set of behaviors that Silicon Graphics specifies on every system. You can later change these specifications, which range from how your screen looks to what type of drive you want to use to install new software. For example, when you run IRIS Showcase, the Master gizmo opens by default You can change the default settings using the Preferences gizmo.
The word desktop often refers to the screen background, but it also refers to the "desktop environment," which includes all the graphical interfaces that make up your basic software environment. The desktop is similar to an actual office desk. For example, on your desk, you might have a phone, a container of pens and pencils, and a number of folders or notebooks. Other tools and files are stashed away in desk drawers.
By default, a number of items appear on the background, including: the Toolchest, a folder icon representing your home directory, a dumpster icon, and an icon for each peripheral you have installed. You can place other icons on the desktop so that you can access them more easily.
To hold the mouse still, then press and release it twice, very rapidly. When you double-click an icon it opens into a window; when you double-click the Window menu button, the window closes.
To press and hold down a mouse button, then move the mouse.
A hardware device that lets you access information on various forms of media, such as hard, floppy, and CD-ROM disks, and magnetic tapes.
drop pocket
A drop pocket is the small blue square into which you can drop icons. You can drag a folder icon and place it into the drop pocket on a Icon View window. The window displays the contents of that folder. You can also drag a file or application icon and place it in the drop pocket on a Icon View window. The window displays the contents of the directory in which that icon is stored. As a final example, you can drag an IRIS Showcase icon and drop it into a drop pocket on the Search tool to specify the type of files you want to find (in this case, IRIS Showcase files).
A temporary holding place for icons that you remove using the "Remove"command. To retrieve files from the dumpster, double-click the dumpster icon; to empty the dumpster, choose "Empty Dumpster" from the desktop Toolchest.
electronic mail address
Your login name plus location information so you can receive electronic mail. The address is usually assigned by the network administrator.
An area in a window in which you can type text.
A container in which you store information such as text, programs, or images you create using an application.
file hierarchy
See file system.
file system
A hierarchy of directories and files. Directories contain other directories and files; files cannot contain directories. The root (/) directory is at the top of the hierarchy. See also pathname.
home directory
A directory in which you create and store your work. Usually, the home directory is named /usr/people/<loginname>, where loginname is the name of your user account. A folder icon for your home directory appears on the desktop by default. See also Aquaint yourself with the terms "home directory" and "pathname."
Any system connected to the network.
The name that uniquely identifies each host (system) on the network.
A small picture that represents a stowed or closed file, directory, application, or IRIX process.
icon finder
The area of a window that contains the drop pocket, the pathname field, the path bar, and the recycle button. You use these fixtures to move from one directory to another.
Icon View Window
The window you see when you open a folder (directory) icon. It displays the files, folder, and applications that the directory contains. You can also type a URL or FTP site name into an Icon View pathfinder to see the contents of a URL or FTP site.
The Silicon Graphics version of the UNIX operating system. See also system software.
IRIX processes
Tasks that IRIX carries out to keep the system running correctly or to complete an explicit command. Each process has a unique process ID number.
Kb (Kilobyte)
A standard unit for measuring the information storage capacity of disks and memory (RAM and ROM); 1024 bytes make one kilobyte.
local workstation, drive, disk, file system, or printer
The physical workstation whose keyboard and mouse you are using, all hardware that is connected to that workstation, and all software that resides on that hardware or its removable media.
log in
To give the system your login name so you can start a session on the workstation.
log out
To end a session on the workstation.
login account
Same as user account. A collection of information about a person who can log in to the system. The information includes the person's full name, login name, contact information, and the name of a home directory in which the person can store directories and files.
login name
The name you use to identify yourself to the system. You type it to log in to the system, and the system uses it to label files that belong to you. If your system is on a network, the network administrator usually must approve of the name to make sure it is not duplicated by someone else on the network. Also called user name.
login screen
The window that you see after powering on the system, before you can access files and directories. The window contains one icon for each user account on the system.
Mb (Megabyte)
A standard unit for measuring the information storage capacity of disks and memory (RAM and ROM); 1024 kilobytes make one megabyte.
A list of operations or commands that the IRIS can carry out on various objects on the screen.
menu button
A button that reveals a pop-up menu. Place the cursor over the button; then press the left mouse button.
To make a file system that is stored on a local or remote disk resource accessible from a specific directory on your workstation.
multi-tasking system
A system that can run several processes (such as running applications, printing files, and updating files) simultaneously.
multiuser system
A system that several users can work on simultaneously and maintain private files.
A group of computers and other devices (such as printers) that can all communicate with each other electronically to transfer and share information
network administrator
The network administrator is the person who maintains a network of systems. If the network runs the optional NIS software, the network administrator maintains the master database of user account information.
A networking software option. It lets you access files and directories that reside on the disks of other workstations as if they resided on a local disk in your own workstation. NFS stands for Network File System.
A networking software option that lets you control network information and services from a central server called the NIS master. NIS stands for Network Information Service. See also centralized network, NIS client, NIS domain, and NIS master.
NIS client
Any system on a centralized network that runs NIS other than the NIS master. The NIS client receives services and information from the NIS master.
NIS domain name
The unique name of a network (or sub-network) that runs NIS. All hostnames in the NIS domain have the NIS domain name as their suffix.
NIS master
The server that stores the complete database of information about all the hosts (systems) and users on a centralized NIS network. The NIS master periodically updates host information on all other systems on the network (NIS clients); its user information is always available to every host. The network administrator is responsible for setting up, maintaining, and troubleshooting the NIS master.
A dialog that appears when the system requires you to confirm an operation that you just requested, or when an error occurs.
The user who created a particular file or directory and can specify which other users of the system can access the file.
parent directory
A relative term that refers to a directory that contains another directory. If directory A contains directory B, then A is the parent directory of B.
A combination of letters and/or numbers that only you know; it is an optional element of your user account. If you specify a password for your account, you must type it after you type your login name before the system lets you access files and directories.
A list of directories the system searches when trying to find a file or run a program. You can add directories to and delete directories from your path. For instructions, see "Adding Directories to Your Path."
The area of a window that contains the drop pocket, the pathname field, the path bar, and the recycle button. You use these fixtures to move from one path to another.
The list of directories that leads you from the root (/) directory to a specific file or directory in the file system.
A hardware device that adds more functionality to the basic workstation, such as a tape drive. See also external devices and internal drives.
The information attached to each directory and file that specifies which users can access it and to what degree.
Primary User
For environments in which one person uses a particular system much more frequently than anyone else (where the person is essentially the system's owner), you can designate that person as the Primary User. The Primary User does not necessarily have any special access privileges; the person's name appears along with the Administrator's name in the system's Information Panel so other users know uses the system regularly. There is only one Primary User per system.
Privileged User
A person whose standard user account includes administrative privileges. When a Privileged User logs in, he can change his personal work area, and can use the graphical administration tools to change or customize the entire system (for example, add a disk, create a user account, or install system software). There can be more than one Privileged User on the same system.
Windows on the screen can overlap each other. You can pop a window so it appears on top of other windows.
power up
To turn on the power switches on the workstation chassis and the monitor.
A pointer to a file or directory that exists in a different location in the file system. When you make a reference to a file, you are not creating another instance of the file; you are creating another location from which you can access the original file.
remote workstation, drive, disk, file system, or printer
A hardware device or the information or media it contains that you can access across the network; they are not physically connected to your workstation.
root account
The standard IRIX user account reserved for use by the system administrator. This account's home directory is the (/) directory of the filesystem; the user of the root account has full access to the entire filesystem (that is, can change and delete any file or directory). The user of this account is sometimes referred to as the superuser.
root (/) directory
The directory at the top of the file system hierarchy.
SCSI address
A number that uniquely identifies a SCSI device to a system. No two SCSI devices that are physically connected to the same workstation can have the same SCSI address.
SCSI cable
A cable that connects a SCSI device to a SCSI port on a workstation.
SCSI device
A hardware device that uses the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) protocol to communicate with the system. Hard disk, floppy disk, CD-ROM, and tape drives are all SCSI devices.
To position the cursor over an icon then click the (left) mouse button. Once an icon is selected, it is the object of whatever operation you select from a menu.
serial device
Any hardware device that requires a serial cable connection to communicate with the workstation.
serial port
An outlet on the workstation to which you connect external serial devices.
A system that other systems on the network access to use its disk space, software, or services.
A window into which you type IRIX commands.
shut down
To safely close all files, log out, and bring the workstation to a state where you can safely power it down. You choose "System Shutdown" from the System toolchest menu to do this.
software option
Any software product that you buy from Silicon Graphics, other than the standard system software that comes on your system disk.
An alternate name for the user of the root user account. See also system administrator.
All the hardware and software that makes up the computer.
system account information
System account information appears in the bottom portion of a person's User Information window in the Users and Groups tool. It includes information about the type of account the person has on this system, whether the person is a Privileged User or the Primary User of the system, and which area of the system is reserved for the person (the home directory). Often this information is different on every system on which a person has an account.
system disk
The physical disk that contains the standard IRIX operating system software - the software that makes your workstation run.
system software
The standard IRIX operating system software and Silicon Graphics tools that come on the system disk and on the tape or CD-ROM that you use in the event of a system crash.
A multiuser, multi-tasking operating system from AT&T upon which the Silicon Graphics IRIX operating system is based.
Any person who has a standard user account on the system. When a User logs in, he can change only his personal work area. A User can run the graphical administration tools, but the features of the tools that change system information are not available.
A collection of information about a person who can log in to the system. The information includes the person's full name, login name, contact information, and the name of a home directory in which the person can store directories and files. Also called login account.
user ID
A number that uniquely identifies a user to the system.
A character, usually an asterisk (*), that you use alone to specify all files and directories that are available, or with a few other letters to specify a group of files and directories that have a common element in their names. For example, to specify all files and directories that begin with the letters "ch," you would type:ch*
A portion of the screen that you can manipulate that contains text or graphics.