Star Trek Generations

Experience The First Truely Immersive Star Trek Game


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How'd They Do That?



Ultra-real ambiance from original music, sounds, and video sequences created by MicroProse and Silicon Graphics technology, puts you in the movie!  Visit "How'd They Do That" for more details.

Join forces with Captains Kirk and Picard and the rest of the NEXT GENERATION crew to defeat the obsessed scientist Soran in this immersive action adventure game based on the internationally successful feature film STAR TREK GENERATIONSTM.

Soran must be stopped before he destroys millions of innocent beings in his ruthless quest to reunite with the Nexus. The story line unfolds through a mix of first-person, point-of-view action levels, challenging ship-to-ship space combat, strategic clues in Stellar Cartography and cinematic sequences, all featuring the voices of the movie cast.


STAR TREK GENERATIONSTM & © 1997 Paramount Pictures.
All Rights Reserved. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures.
Spectrum HoloByte, Inc. is an authorized user. MICROPROSE is a registered trademark of MicroProse Software, Inc..
All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.