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This section contains solutions for problems you may have in installing Sapphire/Web. For up-to-date FAQs and other information regarding Sapphire upgrades and support items, use the Sapphire menu item Help->Contact Technical Support. Users with World Wide Web capability can also access our on-line knowledge base, Explorer/Web, at


To contact Bluestone Technical Support directly, see page xiv of this manual.

This chapter contains information on the following topics:

Apparent Loss of Project Options

Problem: It appears that options are lost after you release a project if you do the following: set your release options in the option editor; save these options to a user's home directory; select File->Release. When you look at your options in the option editor again it appears that your options have not been saved.

Resolution: The options have been saved to disk but the list in memory has not been updated. You need to exit the tool after saving your options and restart.

Error Messages

One of the following errors is received when testing a Sapphire project:

Message: "500 Server Error, execve function failed" or

"500 Server Error, httpd: malformed header from script"
Resolution: The execve system call returns to the calling process only on failure. When execve fails, check to see if:

For example: If the executable is compiled on the HP UX where Sapphire is installed, but the executable is installed on an IBM AIX, the location of the Web server, then "500 Server Error, execve function failed" or "500 Server Error, httpd: malformed header from script" might occur when running the cgi.
Message: "Could not contact the ORB for Stored procedure <DSQL/Stored-proc-name>. Contact your system administrator."

Resolution: The CGI cannot find the Sapphire/Web Gateway (ORB). Check the settings for the ORB_HOST and ORB_SEED in the Options Editor (Test category); this is where the CGI gets the values for these environment variables.

Message: "error 06114"

Resolution: If you get this message when connecting to an Oracle database, check that the following attributes are set correctly:

1. The environment variable ORACLE_SID should NOT be set.

2. The file $SAPPHIRE/app-defaults/DbuimxOrb should contain a line like: OracleDatabase : MyDatabase for each Oracle database you are trying to reach.

3. The environment variable XAPPLRESDIR is set to the directory in which the resource file lives. (Should be $SAPPHIRE/app-defaults).

Message: "planet 88% dborbd.sh No Sybase servers found."

Resolution: To set up a Sybase Gateway to access a remote Sybase Server:

1. In addition to the environment variables, INFORMIXDIR and XAPPLRESDIR you have already set, you also need to set the SYBASE environment variable to the directory where you have the Sybase interfaces file. Example:

	%setenv SYBASE /this/dir
The interfaces file, /this/dir/interfaces may look like this:
           query tcp sun-ether hemingway 23000
           master tcp sun-ether hemingway 23000
           console tcp sun-ether hemingway 23001
           query tcp ether cezanne 60001
           master tcp ether cezanne 60001
           console tcp ether cezanne 60002
2. Restart the ORB. This time you should see both dborbd.syb and dborbd.inf running.

3. Restart Sapphire.

4. Remove all the database specific settings from the project option.

5. You should be able to see both Informix and Sybase servers in the Database Browser as well as using the data objects from either database for object binding.

The Sybase interfaces file is used to route requests to other servers and to determine the network protocol, physical communications port, and location of a named server. The interfaces file is used by Sapphire to locate and access the Sybase server. As long as the Sybase Server machine and the machine where you are running the Gateway are TCP/IP networked, Sapphire Gateway will talk to your remote Sybase server via interfaces file. In order to have the proper interfaces file on the machine where the ORB will be running, you should always have the Sybase client configuration (Sybase Client Server).

HP Compiler

Problem: During compiling of a project on an HP 9.x, the compiler returns these messages:

1) -g not recognized (WARNING)


3) -lPW not found (ERROR)

Resolution: Remove all of these from the makefile and rebuild all objects before testing the project.

SaCancel Dialog

Problem: User gets an SaCancel dialog box when trying to log into Oracle

Resolution: The SaCancel dialog pops-up when there is a transaction in the process stairwell that takes a long time. You have a choice at this point to wait or cancel the transaction. There could be several reasons for this: for example, when a database alias contains an invalid specification of the SID. Check the alias definition in the tnsnames.ora file as shown below. Make sure ORCL is correct. You will have to restart the gateway after changing this reference:

  sapphire =
       (ADDRESS_LIST =
           (ADDRESS =
             (COMMUNITY = TCPCOM)
             (PROTOCOL = TCP)
             (HOST = prodnt4)
             (PORT = 1521)
       (CONNECT_DATA =
         (SID = ORCL)

SQL*Net version 2

Using Sapphire's ORB with Oracle SQL*Net v 2

1. The environment variable ORACLE_SID should not be set.

2. For Oracle version 7.2.3 only:

In this version, Oracle SQL*Net no longer uses the connection string to connect to the database; it uses alias. The alias is usually defined in the TNSNAME.ORA, file, found in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory

You will need the TNSNAME.ORA and the SQLNET.ORA files on the Oracle server. If Oracle and the ORB are not on the same server, then both of these files must exist on both the Oracle Server and the Client Server. The files must be copied to the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

3. The Sapphire/Gateway resource file should have the following ORACLE resources instead:

	OracleDatabase 	: database_1
	OracleDatabase 	: database_2
	OracleDatabase : database_N 
The database_N cannot be preceded by an '@' symbol even though that would normally be the correct method in Oracle. The ORB adds an @ to the connection string (necessary in SQL*Net V1) and that makes two occurrences of the '@' character.

For example:

OracleDatabase: @database_1 would result in scott/tiger@@database_1 (WRONG!!!!)

OracleDatabase: database_1 would result in scott/tiger@database_1 (RIGHT!!!)

4. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment and start the ORB. Example:

 	$SAPPHIREDIR/bin/dborbd -r100
Note: dborbd is a shell script, and since you have set only the ORACLE_HOME environment variable, it will attempt to start Oracle.
For other database vendors you will get the following warnings:

Not starting SYBASE orb because SYBASE environment 
variable not set.
Not starting INFORMIX orb because INFORMIXDIR environment 
variable not set.
If you still cannot establish a connection, then please rebuild the ORB using your installed Oracle libraries. Sapphire provides a few methods for rebuilding Oracle ORBS with different Oracle configurations, which can be found in the $SAPPHIRE/bin/Makefile.orb file.

Unfortunately, there are so many variations that Bluestone is unable to supply them all. Therefore, you may need to determine the appropriate link line for the configuration, and then modify the Makefile manually.

To rebuild the ORB:

1. Make a backup copy of original ORB and original Makefile.orb.

2. Modify Makefile.orb for the your specific Oracle configuration. If the ORB does not link properly, look for sample Oracle application Makefiles that illustrate the correct link line for your specific Oracle installation. Model the link line in Makefile.orb after your Oracle sample application Makefile's link line.

To rebuild the ORB type:

 make -f Makefile.orb ORACLE

Terminal Emulation

Problem: The icons/pictures in the Object Bind Editor window do not display. It is just like a "black scribble" over where the icons should be. This only happens with the Object Bind Editor-all other icons/pictures (such as on the Document Manager and Project Manager) show up fine.

Resolution: This is a terminal emulation problem. Check your terminal emulation setup and configuration.

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