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Security Issues



Internet security is always a concern for UNIX users and system administrators. In this section, we suggest a few things that you can do to improve WWW security on your system when using Sapphire/Web.

For more details and a discussion of security issues, we recommend Lincoln D. Stein's WWW Security FAQ at:


Using Files

The default directory for a file object is the directory specified in the HTML Path option. If you wish to specify a different directory then you must set the File Path option to the correct path when creating the file object.

The file object must exist and be writable by nobody (i.e. the user name is literally nobody). If the file object does not exist, then the directory where the file will be must exist and be writable by the user nobody. We recommend that you allow the file object to exist and be writable by user nobody while restricting write permission to the directory, thus minimizing the risk to other files within the directory.

Using Executables

The method used to start an executable is determined by arguments that are passed to the program's standard input. If arguments are specified, then the CGI will call the C library function excvp; if no arguments are specified, popen will be called.

There are security concerns for the Sapphire ExecData objects that do not have arguments passed through their standard input channel. They are vulnerable because the command in a popen call is interpreted by the Bourne Shell, and can be hacked. For example, a hacker could send executable commands to your server by using special character sets sent via your CGI. Do not take it for granted that the Browser information is correct.

Specifying the User

To protect your data use wrap, as it will not interpret the users' input at the shell level. You must specify the command-line arguments as wrapped by using double quotes. When the CGI executes the ExecData object it will put in a single quote for you.

Note: To prevent loss of data make sure the database users have access to only those tables necessary to perform their tasks.
We recommend that you not set the option Project SQL in HTML to TRUE. If it is set to TRUE, any SQL statement could executed by simply placing SQL into the HTML template. This could offer a hacker the opportunity of destroying your database.


We support, but do not recommend, putting the database username and password in the configuration file. Depending upon how your server is set-up, the config file may be accessible by any Browser so long as the URL is known.

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