Arguments: The data passed into a Data Object to be manipulated or to qualify what data is to be returned. This argument data is provided as any valid C/C++ expression that returns a char *
. Arguments can come from HTML Form Input Elements such as Hotlists, Program Variables, Defined Constants or Hard-coded Values.
Bind Name: Uniquely identifies an Object Binding. This name is generated automatically when a new data object is loaded into the Object Bind Editor. It can be changed, but you will be warned if it is not unique. The only time it is useful to change the Bind Name is when there are several Object Bindings invoked by the same Activator. It makes the Object Bindings easier to identify for modification.
CGI: Common Gateway Interface. A standard protocol that allows browsers, servers, etc. to communicate. Sometimes programs that use the CGI protocol are referred to as "CGIs."
Data Object: An object that can manipulate data and/or return results. A "null" data object does neither.
Database DSQL Objects: Objects are specific to Sapphire/Web that provide a powerful mechanism for creating Stored Procedure-like database objects that reside in the generated client application instead of the server.
Developer: One who uses Sapphire/Web to develop World Wide Web applications for others to use.
Distribution: The root of where the Sapphire/Web software was installed.
Gateway: The Sapphire/Gateway. The Gateway provides the client applications with access to database objects, such as tables and stored procedures. A client application does not communicate directly with a database server, so each client must connect to the Gateway in order to utilize database objects. For more detailed information, see Chapter 4 of this manual.
GIF: Graphic Interface Format. The most widely used cross-platform graphics format.
HTML: HyperText Markup Language.
Object Binding: An Object Binding is the connection of a data object to a GUI Object(s). It is identified by a name unique to the project called the Bind Name.
Project: The final result of your work with Sapphire/Web. A project is made up of HTML documents, CGIs, etc.
Project CGI: The result of compiling and linking the generated code for the project. A single CGI is created to handle all of the Activators, Templates, Data Objects and Object.
SQL: Structured Query Language.
State: In the context of the WWW, a record of a user's past-what information the user has entered into the application so far, what other web pages the user has visited, etc.
State Server: Allows the developer to manage state information in a variety of ways. For a more detailed discussion see the User's Guide.
Tool: The Tool is Sapphire/Web.
URL: Uniform Resource Locator. URLs are used to specify the location of HTML files and server applications to be loaded into the Web Browser.
User: The person who uses the application generated by Sapphire/Web.