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Bind Manager

The Bind Manager enables a developer to make Object Binding substitutions globally or selectively. The following may be changed using the Bind Manager:

States of the Bind Manager

Figure 2-32 Bind Manager

About the Bind Manager

Area Description
Type Specifies to make changes for All Object Bindings in the list or only the Selected Object Bindings.
Bindings List Lists all of the Object Bindings that match the From for the specified Change Item. If Change Item is Database and From contains pubs2, all of the Object Bindings whose database is pubs2 will be in the Bindings List.
Change Item Change Item is what the developer wishes to change in the Bindings List. Example: Database. See Change Item Option Menu for a list of options.
From Value the developer wishes to change from.
To The value to be changed to.
Controls There are four pushButtons controlling the Bind Manager. See the Bind Manager Controls section for more information.

How to Invoke the Interface

1. The Project Window's Tools menu.

Change Item Option Menu

Option Description
Vendor Permits changes between Sybase, Oracle and Informix. When performing this change, The From and To values must be either SYB for Sybase, ORA for Oracle or INF for Informix.
Server Permits Server names to be changed.
Database Permits database names to be changed.
Owner Permits the Owner for bound objects to be changed.
Object Permits Object names to be changed.

Changing Items

Caution must be taken when changing any of the options listed above.

1. Make sure the To item exists and is equivalent to the From item. For instance, if database name is changed, the new database must have the same Data Objects as the old one and they must accept the same arguments and return the same information. If this is not true, your CGI executable will behave unpredictably.

2. It is sometimes necessary to alter more than one item to make a viable change. If you change Vendor From SYB To ORA, the server must also be changed To ORACLE, in order for the change to be valid.

Bind Manager Controls

Option Description
Ok Makes the specified change and updates the appropriate Sapphire/Web interfaces. Once the changes are complete, the Bind Manager pops down.
Filter When a new value is typed in the From textField and the Filter button is clicked on, the Bindings List gets updated to display only the Object Bindings whose Change Item matches the From value.
Apply Does the same as the Ok button, except the Bind Manager does not pop down.
Close Closes the Bind Manager.

Changing a Database Name

1. Choose Bind Manager from the Tools menu on the Project Window.

2. The Bind Manager will appear.

3. Select Database from the Change Item option menu in the center of the Bind Manager.

4. Type the database name to be changed into the From textField.

5. Click on the Filter button. This will query all Object Bindings with the database that you typed, and display them in the Bindings List.

6. Type the, new database name into the To textField.

7. Selecting which bindings to change:
8. The internal Object Binding information and all instances of the Object Bind Editor, will now be updated to reflect the new database name. The Bindings List will also be updated to show all of the bindings which have the database you typed in the To textField. If All was selected, no Object Bindings will be displayed because there are no longer any Object Bindings with that database name.

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