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Activator Selector

The Activator selector is used in many places within Sapphire/Web. It has two primary purposes which are:

1. Naming Activators in the current project which were not previously named.
2. Selecting Activators to be used for several purposes.
The Activator Selector is used to select Activators for the following:

1. Create new Object Bindings
2. Add Activator Aliases
3. Duplicate Activators

States of the Activator Selector.

Figure 2-23 Activator Selector

About the Activator Selector

Area Description
Documents The Documents list contains all of the HTML Documents in the current project. When selected, the Forms and Anchors lists are populated with the Forms and Anchors from the selected HTML Document.
Selection This is the Activator ID string which is made up from the selected Document and Form/Anchor.
Forms A list of all the forms in the selected HTML Document.
Anchors A list of all the anchors in the selected HTML Document.
Use Default If this toggle is set (depressed), and the activator has never been named, the Activator Selector will attempt to use the default name. If the toggle is not set, and the activator has never been named, the Activator Name dialog is invoked. The Activator Name dialog simply prompts the developer for a valid Activator Name. A valid Activator Name can contain only alpha-numeric characters and the under-score(_).

How to Invoke the Interface

1. The Project Window's Tools menu - Object Bind Editor
2. The Project Window's Selected Activator's Pop-up - Duplicate
3. The Project Window's Main Button Bar - Object Bind Editor (New Activator)
4. The Project Window's Selected Activators Button Bar - Duplicate Activator
5. The Alias Manager's Edit menu - Add
6. The Alias Manager's Main Button Bar - Add Alias
7. The Alias Manager's Selected Aliases Pop-up - Add
8. The Object Bind Editor's File menu - New Editor
9. The Object Bind Editor's File menu - Load Activator
10. The Object Bind Editor's Edit menu - Copy Obj Binding

Activator ID Strings

An Activator ID String is used to identify an Activator. It is of the following format:




ACTION=form1 would have default name of form1.
HREF=anchor1 would have default name of anchor1.
ACTION=http://index.cgi would fail as a default name because http://index.cgi has non-alpha-numeric characters. This would cause the Use Default toggle to be switched automatically to False. The next time Ok is pressed, the developer is prompted for a valid Activator name with the Activator Name dialog.
It is also possible to connect data objects to the template using Java and "frames" mechanisms to call a process. Refer to the Client Objects manual for more information.

To write a DSQL object that will preface and append a form input item with a wildcard (%)., use the following syntax:

'%'+#VAR_NAME, WRAP#+'%'

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