Why Kingston?

If you consider everything Kingston has to offer, you'll agree that Kingston workstation memory is the best solution. When it comes to workstation memory, no one can compare to Kingston for

Maybe that's why our field-proven memory is specified by more large organizations worldwide than any other brand.

About Kingston

Contacting Kingston


Prices for Kingston® UNIX workstation memory are considerably less than the manufacturer's price for equivalent memory. So you can spend less than half as much on Kingston memory or buy twice as much Kingston memory for the same price as the manufacturer charges. Here's how we can offer such significant savings:

Price Facts

  • Kingston is the world's leading independent memory company, so our purchasing power is unrivaled. We buy components to use in manufacturing our own memory, and to use in manufacturing memory for computer companies who rely on Kingston as a subcontractor. Because we buy in huge quantities, we are able to get the best quality for less - and we pass the savings on to you.

  • We have strong relationships with, and are one of the largest customers of, the world's premier chip suppliers such as Samsung® Hitachi®, IBM®, Toshiba, NEC® and Micron®. So they reserve the best prices and quality for us.

  • Because we specialize in memory and not complete systems, we can focus on manufacturing high-quality memory and create ways to improve design engineering.
When you consider our prices and everything else Kingston can offer, you'll agree, Kingston UNIX workstation memory is the best value.

Link to The Memory Zone

Kingston's website is constantly updated with new product and price information. Click on one of the following links to The Memory Zone at

Free 30-day
Try Kingston Memory for 30 days, free of charge, and see the difference Kingston memory can make in the performance of your Silicon Graphics workstation.

Current Configuration
New products are introduced weekly at Kingston. Jump to Kingston's website to get the latest on new system configurations.

Distributor & Reseller
Kingston delivers memory through an international network of distributors and resellers. Jump to Kingston's website to browse a list of distributors and resellers who can be reached on-line.

Updated Price
Jump to Kingston's website for updated price comparisons. See the savings for yourself, and find out why Kingston is the most cost-effective solution for workstation memory.

Send questions to webmaster@kingston.com - Kingston Technology Company. 17600 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708, (714)435-2667, Fax (714)435-2618. © Kingston Technology Company. All rights reserved. Prices subject to change. Kingston is a registered trademark and Computing Without Limits is a trademark of Kingston Technology Company. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.