

Feature Summary

General Highlights
Module Highlights

General Highlights

  • Runs on Windows NT and Silicon Graphics workstations with full database transparency between platforms and network license support for IRIX and Windows NT.
  • Faster render speed and updating of preview windows.
  • Customizable shortcuts available for all commands in all modules.
  • Mulitiple undos limited only by system's memory.
  • New view feature to show stills, flip-books, palettes and text files. Available everywhere in the Toonz interface.
  • New modules and formats introduced: plt_merge, cosmoflip, bmp and tzi. And support for 64 bit image input.
  • Setup & Filemanager greatly enhanced with new production management features.

Module Highlights


  • Toonz input module now divided into two modules: Scan and Cleanup.
  • Color scanner support introduced with automatic registration of pegholes in Utilities (Bgcenter).
  • Renumber Feature - allows the insertion of drawings in an already scanned level.


  • Unlimited number of input cameras.
  • Shadows drawn on back of the cel can now be easily handled by setting horizontal mirror when processing cleanups.


  • All Inknpaint tools now available in Pltedit (palette edit).
  • Pltedit accessible from your Xsheet. Palettes are created with characters in final scene with background, overlays, underlays, transformations and rotations in place.


  • Faster image loading.
  • New file locking mechanism to protect against levels being painted by more than one ink & painter at the same time.
  • Matchline feature now loads ink & paint matchline drawings directly from Xsheet.
  • Ink eraser now antialiased.
  • New Anchor Paste feature allows pasting of a cut at the same position on another drawing.


  • Configurable console
  • Zoom-out and mirror introduced.


  • Preview real-time playback length greatly enhanced.
  • Improved image loading technique in camera stand and ability to load images progressively.
  • New camera splines and enhanced Path Aim feature.
  • Easier and more powerful graph tool to edit fcurves.
  • Backlit lighting effect added to the list of standard special effects.
  • Transition libraries now definable by user.
  • Enhanced Rack-focus for intuitive and accurate settings.
  • Field rendering now available inside Xsheet.
  • Redesigned Lip-sync feature.


Toonz provides an intuitive graphic interface for quick and easy access to the following modules:


Allows definition of program variables such as working resolution, frame rate, and other critical parameters.

Pencil Test Module

Allows scanning and viewing of drawings quickly and easily in one easy-to-use module - full frame/full motion in real time with PAL or NTSC resolution (requires Cosmo Compress and Indy Video**).


Joins together several (separately scanned) unpainted/painted image "tiles" to produce one big image. Automatic tiling of Toonz painted images according to their peghole (A, B or C). Interactively define tiled backgrounds or drawings using mouse or keyboard. Interactive image manipulation enhanced in Box mode, allowing you to set resolution to high, mid or low and toggle the mode on and off. Preview window resizable.


Scan hand-drawn pencil keys and in-betweens into the computer.


Images are quickly filtered, and contrast-corrected. Automatic Line Balancing System automatically averages the line width and equalizes entire level. Autocenter feature automatically registers drawings according to their pegholes. Autoclose feature automatically closes lines in the drawings to avoid leaking in inknpaint.


The palette editor helps to prepare the color palettes for each level or color model. Features include - setting colors interactively when the character is superimposed on a background, manipulating colors using many different tools, creating interpolated palettes, studio palettes and reference palettes. PltEdit allows label color markups just like text tools. Special ink effects, airbrush, blend and mark-up may be applied to ink colors.


Combine two or more palettes into one.


Color and edit scanned-in pencil drawings as single images or an entire sequence. Change the black-and-white line work to any color for a hand-inked look.
  • Virtual Image - scan in high-resolution images (3K) and view entire image while painting.
  • Ink Line Color - define and change colors easily (will recognize line intersection).


Create scene in a familiar camera stand environment using an unlimited number of pegbars, cels and columns. Enlarge or reduce images, rotate objects, or create complex translation movements. Add dissolves, blurs, blends, fades, and other special effects using simple commands. Use the Multiplane Camera for greater depth of field in 2D including defining explicit Z values for pegs. Use sub-xsheets to organize your scene. Access Scan, Inknpaint and Pltedit modules from Xsheet.

Image Library Tool Kit

Provides access to all file formats - public and proprietary - for the writing of conversion programs.


UDITS (User Defined Interactive Transformations) allow programmers to write custom effects, such as ripple effects, and dynamically load them at compositing time.


Controls the intermediate and final production steps. Process cleanup files or Bgtiler files, render Xsheet files and run scripts as either a background or foreground process on your computer.


Controls the networked output device or a SCSI connected DDR for recording the finished animation.

File Manager

Manage and organize the scene files of a production.


Enables audio input and output. Pre-cut recorded tracks can be placed into the computer's memory and broken down frame by frame, providing the necessary guide for voice and music synchronization.

Flip Module

Allows you to play back your animation in real time at TV resolution (with Cosmo Compress**). You select the playback mode - full color, 8/16 bit, gray-tones, or black and white. With Onionskin, view multiple images superimposed on one another - the current frame is shown in full ink color, while the others are in light gray.



Allows you to run production tools such as:
  • Quantize - "color reduction" - reduces the number of colors present in an original full-color image.
  • Print to Postscript.
  • BGCenter - Automatically register color backgrounds scanned into Toonz.
  • Convert - translates images to different file formats, to import images from other software packages.
  • Cnv2tzu - Import images from other software packages, converting them to Toonz unpainted images.
  • Autoclose - detects and automatically closes leaks in the lines to prevent floods.
  • Fill_tzu - automatically fills an entire level of drawings with one ink color and one paint color, extremely useful for shadow and highlight levels.

** SGI only