Why does performance matter? Why, because the Internet is growing rapidly, as are the demands placed upon Intranet servers. Investing in efficient, high performance software will drastically reduce the amount of money you will otherwise need to spend on hardware. Your current software might be able to cope now, but will it manage tomorrow? Independent tests carried out by IBM and validated by the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) show Zeus Web Server outperforming Netscape Enterprise by a staggering 39%. These tests were carried out on the same hardware in the same benchmark environment. The results clearly show that Zeus is technically way ahead of Netscape Enterprise in terms of performance.
SPECWeb96 is the industry standard benchmark for measuring Web Server performance. Organizations involved in the development of SPECweb96 include Digital Equipment Corporation, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Netscape, Siemens Nixdorf, Silicon Graphics, and Sun Microsystems. To date, these results have been dominated by the incredible performance of the Zeus Web Server. The results below depict the highest result for each vendor in each category.
Top 5 Twin CPU Results
Top 4 Quad CPU Results
Time and time again, the Zeus Server outperforms all its rivals. These tests were all carried out on high-end machines. Due to the very low hardware requirements of Zeus Server, the performance difference between Zeus and other server software is even larger on smaller machines. Performance is measured as the number of SpecWeb96 operations completed per second. A white paper explaining the test methodology is also available. These graphs were obtained by taking the fastest result from each hardware vendor for that number of CPUs. In each case the five fastest vendors are shown. The results take into account all results published before June 17th 1997.