Almathera Ten Pack 4: Demo 1
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562 lines
* JamCracker V1.0 Replay routine, written by M. Gemmel
* Make sure you have read the ReadMe file on this disk too.
* This is not a demonstration source, showing how to write
* a song-play routine. This source is merely ment for
* inclusion in other sources, or as assembly module for
* linkage with other programs.
* This source was written for the GenIm V2.12 assembler
* and can be easily modified for other assemblers.
* The song should be inserted at 'mysong' near the bottom of
* this source, in chip memory.
* This is the correct calling procedure
* Don't forget to save any important registers
* because I don't care
bsr.s pp_init First, initialize
here bsr pp_play Then, play every 1/50 sec.
hi cmpi.b #1,$dff006
bne.s hi
btst #6,$bfe001 Check left mouse button
bne.s here
bsr pp_end Finally, stop playing
*** This is the actual replay routine
wavesize set $40
pp_init lea mysong,a0
addq.w #4,a0
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w d0,d1
move.l a0,instable
mulu #it_sizeof,d0
adda.w d0,a0
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w d0,d2
move.l a0,patttable
mulu #pt_sizeof,d0
adda.w d0,a0
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w d0,songlen
move.l a0,songtable
lsl.w #1,d0
adda.w d0,a0
movea.l patttable,a1
move.w d2,d0
subq.w #1,d0
.l0 move.l a0,pt_address(a1)
move.w pt_size(a1),d3
mulu #nt_sizeof*4,d3
adda.w d3,a0
addq.w #pt_sizeof,a1
dbf d0,.l0
movea.l instable,a1
move.w d1,d0
subq.w #1,d0
.l1 move.l a0,it_address(a1)
move.l it_size(a1),d2
adda.l d2,a0
adda.w #it_sizeof,a1
dbf d0,.l1
move.l songtable,pp_songptr
move.w songlen,pp_songcnt
movea.l pp_songptr,a0
move.w (a0),d0
mulu #pt_sizeof,d0
add.l patttable,d0
movea.l d0,a0
move.l a0,pp_pattentry
move.b pt_size+1(a0),pp_notecnt
move.l pt_address(a0),pp_address
move.b #6,pp_wait
move.b #1,pp_waitcnt
clr.w pp_nullwave
move.w #$000f,$dff096
lea pp_variables,a0
lea $dff0a0,a1
move.w #$0001,d1
move.w #2*wavesize,d2
move.w #3,d0
.l2 clr.w 8(a1)
move.w d2,pv_waveoffset(a0)
move.w d1,pv_dmacon(a0)
move.l a1,pv_custbase(a0)
move.l #pp_periods,pv_peraddress(a0)
move.w #1019,pv_pers(a0)
clr.w pv_pers+2(a0)
clr.w pv_pers+4(a0)
clr.l pv_por(a0)
clr.w pv_porlevel(a0)
clr.l pv_vib(a0)
clr.l pv_vol(a0)
move.w #$0040,pv_vollevel(a0)
clr.l pv_phase(a0)
clr.w pv_vibcnt(a0)
clr.b pv_flags(a0)
adda.w #pv_sizeof,a0
adda.w #$0010,a1
lsl.w #1,d1
addi.w #wavesize,d2
dbf d0,.l2
pp_end clr.w $dff0a8
clr.w $dff0b8
clr.w $dff0c8
clr.w $dff0d8
move.w #$000f,$dff096
pp_play subq.b #1,pp_waitcnt
bne.s .l0
bsr pp_nwnt
move.b pp_wait,pp_waitcnt
.l0 lea pp_variables,a1
bsr.s pp_uvs
lea pp_variables+pv_sizeof,a1
bsr.s pp_uvs
lea pp_variables+2*pv_sizeof,a1
bsr.s pp_uvs
lea pp_variables+3*pv_sizeof,a1
pp_uvs movea.l pv_custbase(a1),a0
.l0 move.w pv_pers(a1),d0
bne.s .l1
bsr pp_rot
bra.s .l0
.l1 add.w pv_por(a1),d0
tst.w pv_por(a1)
beq.s .l1c
bpl.s .l1a
cmp.w pv_porlevel(a1),d0
bge.s .l1c
bra.s .l1b
.l1a cmp.w pv_porlevel(a1),d0
ble.s .l1c
.l1b move.w pv_porlevel(a1),d0
.l1c add.w pv_vib(a1),d0
cmpi.w #135,d0
bge.s .l1d
move.w #135,d0
bra.s .l1e
.l1d cmpi.w #1019,d0
ble.s .l1e
move.w #1019,d0
.l1e move.w d0,6(a0)
bsr pp_rot
move.w pv_deltapor(a1),d0
add.w d0,pv_por(a1)
cmpi.w #-1019,pv_por(a1)
bge.s .l3
move.w #-1019,pv_por(a1)
bra.s .l5
.l3 cmpi.w #1019,pv_por(a1)
ble.s .l5
move.w #1019,pv_por(a1)
.l5 tst.b pv_vibcnt(a1)
beq.s .l7
move.w pv_deltavib(a1),d0
add.w d0,pv_vib(a1)
subq.b #1,pv_vibcnt(a1)
bne.s .l7
neg.w pv_deltavib(a1)
move.b pv_vibmax(a1),pv_vibcnt(a1)
.l7 move.w pv_dmacon(a1),d0
move.w pv_vol(a1),8(a0)
move.w pv_deltavol(a1),d0
add.w d0,pv_vol(a1)
tst.w pv_vol(a1)
bpl.s .l8
clr.w pv_vol(a1)
bra.s .la
.l8 cmpi.w #$40,pv_vol(a1)
ble.s .la
move.w #$40,pv_vol(a1)
.la btst #1,pv_flags(a1)
beq.s .l10
movea.l pv_insaddress(a1),a0
move.w pv_waveoffset(a1),d0
neg.w d0
lea 0(a0,d0.w),a2
movea.l a2,a3
move.w pv_phase(a1),d0
lsr.w #2,d0
adda.w d0,a3
move.w #wavesize-1,d0
.lb move.b (a2)+,d1
ext.w d1
move.b (a3)+,d2
ext.w d2
add.w d1,d2
asr.w #1,d2
move.b d2,(a0)+
dbf d0,.lb
move.w pv_deltaphase(a1),d0
add.w d0,pv_phase(a1)
cmpi.w #wavesize<<2,pv_phase(a1)
blt.s .l10
subi.w #wavesize<<2,pv_phase(a1)
.l10 rts
pp_rot move.w pv_pers(a1),d0
move.w pv_pers+2(a1),pv_pers(a1)
move.w pv_pers+4(a1),pv_pers+2(a1)
move.w d0,pv_pers+4(a1)
pp_nwnt movea.l pp_address,a0
addi.l #4*nt_sizeof,pp_address
subq.b #1,pp_notecnt
bne.s .l5
.l0 addq.l #2,pp_songptr
subq.w #1,pp_songcnt
bne.s .l1
move.l songtable,pp_songptr
move.w songlen,pp_songcnt
.l1 movea.l pp_songptr,a1
move.w (a1),d0
mulu #pt_sizeof,d0
add.l patttable,d0
movea.l d0,a1
move.b pt_size+1(a1),pp_notecnt
move.l pt_address(a1),pp_address
.l5 clr.w pp_tmpdmacon
lea pp_variables,a1
bsr pp_nnt
addq.w #nt_sizeof,a0
lea pp_variables+pv_sizeof,a1
bsr pp_nnt
addq.w #nt_sizeof,a0
lea pp_variables+2*pv_sizeof,a1
bsr pp_nnt
addq.w #nt_sizeof,a0
lea pp_variables+3*pv_sizeof,a1
bsr pp_nnt
move.w pp_tmpdmacon,$dff096
move.w #300,d0
.l6 dbf d0,.l6
lea pp_variables,a1
bsr pp_scr
lea pp_variables+pv_sizeof,a1
bsr.s pp_scr
lea pp_variables+2*pv_sizeof,a1
bsr.s pp_scr
lea pp_variables+3*pv_sizeof,a1
bsr.s pp_scr
bset #7,pp_tmpdmacon
move.w pp_tmpdmacon,$dff096
move.w #300,d0
.l7 dbf d0,.l7
move.l pp_variables+pv_insaddress,$dff0a0
move.w pp_variables+pv_inslen,$dff0a4
move.l pp_variables+pv_sizeof+pv_insaddress,$dff0b0
move.w pp_variables+pv_sizeof+pv_inslen,$dff0b4
move.l pp_variables+2*pv_sizeof+pv_insaddress,$dff0c0
move.w pp_variables+2*pv_sizeof+pv_inslen,$dff0c4
move.l pp_variables+3*pv_sizeof+pv_insaddress,$dff0d0
move.w pp_variables+3*pv_sizeof+pv_inslen,$dff0d4
pp_scr move.w pp_tmpdmacon,d0
and.w pv_dmacon(a1),d0
beq.s .l5
movea.l pv_custbase(a1),a0
move.l pv_insaddress(a1),(a0)
move.w pv_inslen(a1),4(a0)
move.w pv_pers(a1),6(a0)
btst #0,pv_flags(a1)
bne.s .l5
move.l #pp_nullwave,pv_insaddress(a1)
move.w #1,pv_inslen(a1)
.l5 rts
pp_nnt move.b nt_period(a0),d1
beq .l5
andi.l #$000000ff,d1
lsl.w #1,d1
addi.l #pp_periods-2,d1
movea.l d1,a2
btst #6,nt_speed(a0)
beq.s .l2
move.w (a2),pv_porlevel(a1)
bra .l5
.l2 move.w pv_dmacon(a1),d0
or.w d0,pp_tmpdmacon
move.l a2,pv_peraddress(a1)
move.w (a2),pv_pers(a1)
move.w (a2),pv_pers+2(a1)
move.w (a2),pv_pers+4(a1)
clr.w pv_por(a1)
move.b nt_instr(a0),d0
ext.w d0
mulu #it_sizeof,d0
add.l instable,d0
movea.l d0,a2
tst.l it_address(a2)
bne.s .l1
move.l #pp_nullwave,pv_insaddress(a1)
move.w #1,pv_inslen(a1)
clr.b pv_flags(a1)
bra.s .l5
.l1 movea.l it_address(a2),a3
btst #1,it_flags(a2)
bne.s .l0a
move.l it_size(a2),d0
lsr.l #1,d0
move.w d0,pv_inslen(a1)
bra.s .l0
.l0a move.w pv_waveoffset(a1),d0
adda.w d0,a3
move.w #wavesize>>1,pv_inslen(a1)
.l0 move.l a3,pv_insaddress(a1)
move.b it_flags(a2),pv_flags(a1)
move.w pv_vollevel(a1),pv_vol(a1)
.l5 move.b nt_speed(a0),d0
andi.b #$0f,d0
beq.s .l6
move.b d0,pp_wait
.l6 movea.l pv_peraddress(a1),a2
move.b nt_arpeggio(a0),d0
beq.s .l9
cmpi.b #$ff,d0
bne.s .l7
move.w (a2),pv_pers(a1)
move.w (a2),pv_pers+2(a1)
move.w (a2),pv_pers+4(a1)
bra.s .l9
.l7 andi.b #$0f,d0
lsl.b #1,d0
ext.w d0
move.w 0(a2,d0.w),pv_pers+4(a1)
move.b nt_arpeggio(a0),d0
lsr.b #4,d0
lsl.b #1,d0
ext.w d0
move.w 0(a2,d0.w),pv_pers+2(a1)
move.w (a2),pv_pers(a1)
.l9 move.b nt_vibrato(a0),d0
beq.s .ld
cmpi.b #$ff,d0
bne.s .la
clr.l pv_vib(a1)
clr.b pv_vibcnt(a1)
bra.s .ld
.la clr.w pv_vib(a1)
andi.b #$0f,d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0,pv_deltavib(a1)
move.b nt_vibrato(a0),d0
lsr.b #4,d0
move.b d0,pv_vibmax(a1)
lsr.b #1,d0
move.b d0,pv_vibcnt(a1)
.ld move.b nt_phase(a0),d0
beq.s .l10
cmpi.b #$ff,d0
bne.s .le
clr.l pv_phase(a1)
bra.s .l10
.le andi.b #$0f,d0
ext.w d0
move.w d0,pv_deltaphase(a1)
clr.w pv_phase(a1)
.l10 move.b nt_volume(a0),d0
bne.s .l10a
btst #7,nt_speed(a0)
beq.s .l16
bra.s .l11a
.l10a cmpi.b #$ff,d0
bne.s .l11
clr.w pv_deltavol(a1)
bra.s .l16
.l11 btst #7,nt_speed(a0)
beq.s .l12
.l11a move.b d0,pv_vol+1(a1)
move.b d0,pv_vollevel+1(a1)
clr.w pv_deltavol(a1)
bra.s .l16
.l12 bclr #7,d0
beq.s .l13
neg.b d0
.l13 ext.w d0
move.w d0,pv_deltavol(a1)
.l16 move.b nt_porta(a0),d0
beq.s .l1a
cmpi.b #$ff,d0
bne.s .l17
clr.l pv_por(a1)
bra.s .l1a
.l17 clr.w pv_por(a1)
btst #6,nt_speed(a0)
beq.s .l17a
move.w pv_porlevel(a1),d1
cmp.w pv_pers(a1),d1
bgt.s .l17c
neg.b d0
bra.s .l17c
.l17a bclr #7,d0
bne.s .l18
neg.b d0
move.w #135,pv_porlevel(a1)
bra.s .l17c
.l18 move.w #1019,pv_porlevel(a1)
.l17c ext.w d0
.l18a move.w d0,pv_deltapor(a1)
.l1a rts
* Replayer data
section reppubdata,data
pp_periods dc.w 1019,962,908,857,809,763,720,680,642,606,572,540
dc.w 509,481,454,428,404,381,360,340,321,303,286,270
dc.w 254,240,227,214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135
dc.w 135,135,135,135,135,135,135,135,135
dc.w 135,135,135,135,135,135
section repchipdata,data_c
mysong ;Insert your song here!
section reppubbss,bss
songlen ds.w 1
songtable ds.l 1
instable ds.l 1
patttable ds.l 1
pp_wait ds.b 1
pp_waitcnt ds.b 1
pp_notecnt ds.b 1
pp_address ds.l 1
pp_songptr ds.l 1
pp_songcnt ds.w 1
pp_pattentry ds.l 1
pp_tmpdmacon ds.w 1
pp_variables ds.b 4*48
section repchipbss,bss_c
pp_nullwave ds.w 1
it_name rs.b 31
it_flags rs.b 1
it_size rs.l 1
it_address rs.l 1
it_sizeof rs.w 0
pt_size rs.w 1
pt_address rs.l 1
pt_sizeof rs.w 0
nt_period rs.b 1
nt_instr rs.b 1
nt_speed rs.b 1
nt_arpeggio rs.b 1
nt_vibrato rs.b 1
nt_phase rs.b 1
nt_volume rs.b 1
nt_porta rs.b 1
nt_sizeof rs.w 0
pv_waveoffset rs.w 1
pv_dmacon rs.w 1
pv_custbase rs.l 1
pv_inslen rs.w 1
pv_insaddress rs.l 1
pv_peraddress rs.l 1
pv_pers rs.w 3
pv_por rs.w 1
pv_deltapor rs.w 1
pv_porlevel rs.w 1
pv_vib rs.w 1
pv_deltavib rs.w 1
pv_vol rs.w 1
pv_deltavol rs.w 1
pv_vollevel rs.w 1
pv_phase rs.w 1
pv_deltaphase rs.w 1
pv_vibcnt rs.b 1
pv_vibmax rs.b 1
pv_flags rs.b 1
pv_sizeof rs.w 0